Justice At Last.
Priya Darshani Mattoo.
Although it has taken ten long years, yet as it comes today Justice has been done to the poor soul.
My sincere and hearty thanks to all those who supported and fought for justice.Mr.Matoo and the friends of Priya deserve kudos for their fighting spirit.
As yours truly had in earlier post strongly advocated for the capital punishment, I have all the reasons to feel personally satisfied and vindicated. I had been following up this case since the day Priya was murdered and I remember the day when this criminal got Scot-free since his father was a powerful policeman. I remember that I could not sleep the whole night and seethed in impotent rage.
Priya, though I never met her had become a family member of mine, after her death.
May her soul rest in peace.
But, it is just a battle won. The war is not over.
I like so many others want to see the other murderers hanged too who are still not held accountable for the sins they committed.
The Lalls and Kataras are still waiting for the justice.
Please remember that these three cases are important not just because the media is hyping them up.
Justice in these three cases are important because…
1.Accused are sons/kins of High and Mighty powers to be. They are the ones who think that they can get away with any thing since they have power, money and connections thus they are above law.
2.These cases assume more importance since they got nation wide attention. Hence it has become symbolic in nature. Any injustices will demoralize the victims-hereto unknown- who too has been languishing for justice away from media glaze.
3.Most important is that almost every body knows that they are the culprits and know why they have not been convicted so far.
The judgments in these cases will be landmark and set precedent and a strong message will be sent to all the power drunk arrogant criminals/future criminals that Indian Society will not spare them, if justice rendering agencies fail to do their duties.
I hope that the honorable Supreme Court will uphold the sentence and the sentence will be executed. I pray that our efforts for the Lalls and Kataras will too bear fruit in very near future.
I request all my friends “Please do not waste your emotions against the death sentence for these criminals”.
Anil Joshi
Priya Darshani Mattoo case: HANG THIS MURDERER.Only three days are left for Afzal?????
Priya Darshani Mattoo case: (In the light of High court Judgment on this day.)
“Justice is a machine that, when someone has given it a starting push, rolls on of itself”.
Galasworthy, Justice, II.
Just how true!
I admire the relentless efforts of her family,friends and media for bringing this culprit to book.
Only three days are left for AFZAL?????
Where are the Prime Minister and Super Prime Minister (Balidaan Devi), Madame Sonia Gandhi?
Why this deafening silence on the mercy plea of Afzal, The Terrorist?When will the justice be done?
If Ever!
Wait for the next post.
Do write if you want the assassins to be punished for what they did to an individual and to the nation, respectively.
Anil Joshi
Posted by Prudent Indian at 5:55 AM
Hang Afzal and his Cohorts too.
Hang Afzal and his Cohorts too.
Let me start by saying that I have no sympathies for Afzal or for any of his Cohorts. Any body who advocates Clemency for him and alike is committing a crime against my Motherland and in my eyes is as big a traitor as Afzal.
Afzal has committed a crime, which has no parallels in the History of Independent India. The attack on the Parliament was not any another attack on the India. This was an attack on the Nation; it’s people, its very idea of existence. Afzal deserves the punishment awarded and there for pleading on his behalf is tantamount to be his accomplice in crime. Afzal will be executed and done with, but what about his Cohorts? Afzal and those killed could not have planned the attack; certainly the magnitude and the scale required much more meticulous planning and resources. There must have been the active and tacit support from others too, and they are free! S.A.R Gillani is one such man, true he has been acquitted by the Supreme Court, but with a stinging observation against him. Millions like me still believe that he is guilty and the case should be reopened.
India has been a victim of terrorism for more than two decades and has suffered and lost many valuable lives and huge losses at the hands of these terrorists. Now, what makes the attack on the Parliament as the most diabolical, atrocious and heinous? The attack on the parliament is all the above and much more for two reasons…
1.It was not attack on the Individuals nor it was an attack on any building. It was an attack on the India. The very existence of the idea called India, its people, and unflinching faith of the Indians in the system called Democracy. We all the people of India know that there are many things which need to be corrected about the parliamentary system, yet democracy is the best and the only hope for the Billion Plus Nation. Attack on the Parliament was an attack on the billion plus people of India.
2.This attack brought the two Nuclear powers on the brink of war. This war could have been the most catastrophic for the innocent millions on both sides of the dividing line.
For these two reasons the Death Sentence awarded to Afzal is apporiate, if not less. And all efforts should be made to punish all those suspected to have any link, inspite of their acquittal on technical grounds.
No body in his right senses would argue for the Clemency for Afzal, yet we have many among us, and who these people are…
-Muftis, both father and daughter is in the forefront advocating for the DEVIL. Given their track record, I am not surprised at all. Do not forget that this great Mr.Mufti, ex CM J & K had released dreaded terrorist as ransom against Rubiya Saeed, his daughter, when he was the Union Home Minister in the V.P.Singh’s government. These worthies are dolling out the fictions that since the peace process is on with Pakistan, Afzals execution will send wrong signals.
Pray, tell me peace process with whom? Pakistan? The fountainhead of all the terrorism! And what are those wrong signals?
-Those in the fray to save Afzal form the Gallows is our Honorable Chief Minister of J and K, Shri Gulam Nabi Azad, his argument is since Oct.20th.happens to coincide with a sacred day according to Islam so his execution be commuted to life term.
What more is expected from these petty politicians who just cannot think beyond the next elections.
And as it always happen neither adorable PM nor the omniscient Sonia Madame has any guts to express their considered opinions. Vote bank is more precious to them than the honor and dignity of the Nation.
Why to blame political class alone. Equally responsible are the “secular brigade” and “liberals”. These are the people who provide the spacious ideological arguments supporting terrorism. Human rights activists get charged up as and when a Terrorist is apprehended and tried in any court of law. These are the people who will ask you to look for “root cause”, imageniary “alienation of minorities”,” poverty” and blah, blah…
These apologists for terror have no sense for crime and justice. The message should be loud and clear to all those who threaten India’s democracy and its essential freedom, that they will be annihilated.
Send Afzal to gallows. His departure will not be mourned. After Afzals departure go after his cohorts and hang them too.
Anil Joshi
Posted by Prudent Indian at 5:10 AM
POPE & “ The Sword of Islam”.
POPE & “ The Sword of Islam”.
Papa Don’t Preach?
I have been consciously trying to avoid commenting on this very sensitive and controversial issue, since it broke out. I feel that I am not competent enough and further I too, like so many others who have been commenting, know very little about the whole subject. So I decided to stay away, and I am staying away.
HOWEVER, I am quite amused by the way “ Secular, Liberal media” and the “secular” brigade has taken the whole issue. Two great religions Islam and Christianiy, both “secular” are debating an issue with the “secular” media caught in between. I can sense how they wish that a HINDU priest had said it THAN POPE; they would have been more comfortable, infact delighted is the right word. After all HINDUS are “communal”. What a screaming headline would have been then” COMMUNAL, FUNDAMENTALIST, FASCISTS, DIVISIVE, INHUMAN ETC.” LAUNCHES AN ATTACK ON THE “MINORITIES”.
Absolutely? “Politically Correct”.
How the “secular industry” would have loved it! An issue so Dear to “them”.
After all rozi roti ka sawal hai bhai.
Just imagine, what would have happened?
Had it been…
1.Narrender MODI?Remember the way in which the “media” and “secularists” had reacted when he merely mentioned then CEC as James Michael Lyndough.
2.Praveen Togadia?Would have been hanged by NOW.
3.RSS or VHP or BAJRANG DAL?What more the “secularist” could have asked for?
4.Had the POPE said something about “HINDUATAVA” instead of ISLAM?He, THE POPE would have been appreciated for his “objectivity, insight etc.”.
5.How would the protesters have been labeled?Though, HINDUS as a community would have reacted just the way Muslims are reacting the world over- I DOUBT VERY MUCH- yet would have been seen as “FASCISTS”.
Thinking all that could have been, all the possibilities, I am glad that IT DID NOT HAPPEN.
I AM PROUD TO BE An INDIAN first and then HINDU.
And this has dampened the spirits of “secularists”. Celebrated stars and a “self promoting bastard, and successful too”, NGO’s, Documentry filmmakers, TEESTA’s of the word, sad day for you????
Sorry folks.
Just as I am Proud to be an INDIAN HINDU, at the same time I feel sad that the “political correctness” of the “media” and “secularists” force them to label ME, as COMMUNAL…
To quote Swami Vivekanand Ji from his speech made at the parliament of religions in Chicago in 1893.Swami Ji said… “The Christian is not to become a Hindu or Buddhist nor a Hindu or Buddhist to become a Christian, but each must assimilate the spirit of the other and yet preserve his individuality”. He asked every one “…to help and not fight, assimilate and not destroy to ensure harmony and peace and not dissension.”
This is the SECULARISM I want “WE” to understand.
Each and every religion is GREAT, and I (as a HINDU) respect the rights of their followers to practice it the way they want. However each religion evolved over the time. Many of the religions, Hinduism and Christianity especially, got rid of many things, which were not recommendable for the modern time. Such as SATI, CHILD MARRIAGE, INEQUILITY, SEX DISCRININATION etc. were discarded from our HINDU religion. Because Hindus like, Swami Vivakanand, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Sant Jyoti Bha Phule, Swami Dayanand Sarswati and many many more took pains to reform the society. And the reforms came from with in (from with in the community). So did Christianity do away with many Victorian era practices? Because questions were asked and answered, debated and discussed as it is the only solution.
But Islam has not done much debating, (each time some one, any one for that matter starts a debate, the voice is tried to be silenced by the sheer mob fury and violence) leave alone reforms.
I suppose the absolute finality of the HOLY Quran and unquestioning surrender of faithful makes it difficult to debate first and if at all. And this is what ALL Papa POPE is asking for.
So we witness the outrage, each time they are questioned.
This perhaps is not advisable for any one in general and for followers of ISLAM in particular when most of the terrorists have Muslim sounding names, if not “MUSLIMS”.
Mean time,
Anil Joshi
Posted by Prudent Indian at 6:09 AM
Why Should SONIA and PM sing Vande Mataram?WHY?WHY?
Why should have SONIA JI and PM sung Vande Mataram? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?
On Sept.7th, School, my children go to, organized a mass gathering for celebrating and singing Vande Mataram.What I felt after singing with the children, teachers, parents cannot be expressed in any words. Divine I suppose. However, as I reached home and switched on my TV set I heard the news that both REVERNED SONIA JI and HONORABLE Prime Minister did not attend the function organized by the CONGRESS. My reaction was initially anger…then dismay………and finally frustration.
Surely they could have, honestly they should have.
Not sure of what made these two worthies to abstain I started to look for a Congress wala or wali. First they were not around but I kept on looking; after much hard scouting I found one who avoided me like PLAGUE. But my persistence paid and after two cups of tea he just blasted. This is what he said.
“We all are very angry that you are asking a question that has no meaning. They did not sing and so many others like our secular and faithful VOTERS. You communal, fascists have made such a political issue out of it. Shame on you!
You people communalize each and every issue. Nationalism is the issue you communalists say, OK fine, what is Nationalism? If it means being loyal to your motherland/provider than both of them are, you folks both of them are.
How? You asked! Silly Communalist! Let we all enlightened and “secular” explain.
Nationalism is praising the MOTHERLAND and SHE DID PRAISE HER MOTHERLAND (INDIA is an adopted country only). Sasural is not motherland at any rate ask any one.
You guys are so narrow-minded and said all those nasty things because “Q” got his “earned” money back. WILL YOU NOT HELP YOUR FELLOW COUNTRY MEN? COMMUNALISTS are those who ask, we despise communalist.
You dare ask about the PM (now which one? we have so many), all right you mean Dr.PM? Such a good man and such an “eminent” economist, no matter you have been paying thrice the prices comparing during communalists regime, nevertheless he is an “eminent economist”. PERIOD. And as for the Vande Mataram, “PROVIDENCE” clause is applicable. As motherland provides with her benevolence to all of us lesser mortals, so all the good things by SONIA MAA to the PM.And does he not offer his prayers to her?
And now you ask where was the COULD HAVE BEEN PRIME MINISTER @ 25 SHRI RAHAUL GANDHI JI, lay off man. He might have been busy with BRAZILLIAN friends (so now we understand, why the Honorable PM is keen on going there than UN general assembly meet).”
After that He ran away and I have yet to meet him again.
Now seriously a look at the excuses offered by the Congress.
Excuse No.1
She was unwell.
Really? And PM too? Strange coincidence!
Excuse No.2
It was a Seva Dal (?) program and she was not invited.
If any body who wants us to believe this is either too naive or too clever.
Excuse No.3
Security was the issue so she could not attend.
Fake again. The function could have easily been conducted at anywhere else. After all Sonia Ji do attend functions.
And any way I strongly feel that our all leaders who call themselves as mass and popular leaders should be seen with public. Since they are so popular who would like to harm them?
And just now (as I m punching my key board) I heard them saying that all this 7th.September Vande Mataram hype was wrong. The Hindustan Times today quotes Shri Janardan Dwivedi “Due to some reason, a mistake was made and we admit it”.
Else where I read that now Congress is planning to take refuge in Mahatma Gandhi and plans to pitch against Vande Mataram.
Mahatma Gandhi VS. Vande Mataram?
Very grave injustice to both of them. Let me warn Congress friends you are again making a MISTAKE. A VERY BIG MISTAKE.
Vande Mataram
With warm Regards.
Posted by Prudent Indian at 10:09 PM
Dear Friends,
Many of you complained that I have been neglecting my blog for long,which is right.I had sent you the link for my new blog @ NDTV.Which I am happy to convey that the blog @ NDTV not only picked up but has been going great.Your truly has been on the popularity chart and is at SECOND POSITION among the most popular.Please check the link.
As for this Blog I promise you that this too will be updated regularly.
Keep Loving.
With very warm
Anil Joshi.
Posted by Prudent Indian at 2:41 AM
Vande Mataram
There they go again. We will not sing, they say.
Fine says Arjun what else I wanted? After all I am the Greatest Secular among SECULARISTS, (whispers…doing me a great service if you do not sing, should I not have been the PM? Look what u got, a PM????? Does he look like one? Hhehehhehehhehhehehe -oooh, I m still holding my stomach but who cares?
The scene shifts to…
Is Desh Mein Rahana Hai to Vande Mataram Gana Hai.
Move On to Gopal Bhavan…
Humm…. mmmm…mmmm
Shall decide when we have a joint bureau meeting, then we all communists shall sit and decide to decide to form a committee who will then decide .We all shall march to BalliDaan Devi, ranting and raving then shall have Idli and Dosa and yes, fish is the excellent and then endorse “no trucks with communalists baki sab jayen bhaad mein”. BTW we are secular and you all know it.
Let us go to THE 7RCR
Oye! Main ki karan? Mainu pata nahin. Madame noo phone laggao tey puchoo, Eay kkeda nava panga paa dita hai? Oye, Arjun Singha kaddooon pichha chadenga yaar? Taang kar dita hai bhai tu.Ek sayapa muukda nahin te dujja paa dena hain yaar.Magooran ley.
Now we are at 10,Janpsath waiting for the Madam’s dog or whoever even if it could just wage its tail in our direction we all shall be “EXCLUSIVELY BREAKING NEWS” and then we all will get the message and interpret it the way we want to drawing conclusions for the benefit of BILLION strong nations.
There she comes-another one yells, focus on me, I just happened to saw the madam’s Dupatta-another channel, Breaking NEWS MADAME SAYS we all are Italians………ooops.. Indians and talk to our media managers.
There comes the “media managers”.
A “secular, liberal and progressive lady in green and the estranged brother of her HAZIIR HOO!!!!!
They go inside and the noble lady obliges them with interviews dutifully changing Saris first Green and then Saffron.
And we the people of India Really are we?
Before answering to your self please consider the following from my earlier post.
Dissecting India and Indians in to microscopic Communities, sub Communities, Castes, Sub Castes, Sub Sub Castes and so on and on…
Drawing conclusions and presenting figures in such a way that you end up more confused than ever with a sinking feeling that we all are any thing but INDIANS.
NEVERTHEELESS, Come maybe what I with my family ought to sing…
vande maataraM
sujalaaM suphalaaM malayaja shiitalaaM sasyashyaamalaaM maataraM shubhrajyotsnaa pulakitayaaminiiM pullakusumita drumadala shobhiniiM suhaasiniiM sumadhura bhaashhiNiiM sukhadaaM varadaaM maataraM koTi koTi kaNTha kalakalaninaada karaale koTi koTi bhujai.rdhR^itakharakaravaale abalaa keno maa eto bale bahubaladhaariNiiM namaami taariNiiM ripudalavaariNiiM maataraM tumi vidyaa tumi dharma tumi hR^idi tumi marma tvaM hi praaNaaH shariire
namaami kamalaaM amalaaM atulaaM sujalaaM suphalaaM maataraM shyaamalaaM saralaaM susmitaaM bhuushhitaaM dharaNiiM bharaNiiM maataraM
Bharat Mata Ki Jai Ho
Vishwa Ka Kkalyann Ho
Shatruon Ka Naash Ko
Garv se kaho Hum Hindusatani.
Posted by Prudent Indian at 2:36 AM
Secularism: The Biggest threat to India.
Admittedly my opening statement will shock most of you. I know what you might think, my being the most politically Incorrect in this fashionable age of being “politically correct”. Nevertheeless I stick to my guns and even at the risk of being labeled, as “communal” honestly want to open debate on the subject.
Let me put the record straight, I am not writing any thing, which has been debated so many times, and by so many people that after cricket this is the one another topic every body is equally an expert as any one else. There is a virtual “secular” industry thriving on this subject. And many of them are now “emenient”journalists, politicians of all hues and colors, intellengestia, groups etc. And I am not part of any of them.
For me, to begin with, the very word “secular” is an alien word. It is a word or “ism” invented by few very intelligent people. This word is used very selectively and this “ism” is an infinitely elastic. As I see it this has divided the society in to two. Secular and Communal. You or me are either one or the other. There are no middle grounds. And most interestingly it is the “secularists” who posses the knowledge and wisdom to decide .If they admit you in your elite club then you are “secular” and if you question them, howsoever rational your are, are labeled “communal”.
Once again with out going in to the often-repeated words like minioritism, appeasement, terrorism, history writings etc. I ask after all what have we achieved being “secular”?
-Partition of India? May Be. Our great leaders then decided to assimilate the other group in to the main stream and they (Muslim League) wanted concessions then more then more, and being secular we met the demands one by one in our zeal to be “secular” and ultimately they wanted a separate state and we obliged after paying a very heavy price.
-Division of the society? Definitely Yes. Rather than uniting the society it has divided the society more. The glasses we wear, Secular or Communal, are viewing every thing and any thing. Irrespective of the issue the focus almost always shifts to it being “secular” or “communal”. Even the issues like Nationalism and terrorism are weighed on the scale of “secularism” and “communalism”.
-Betrayal of democracy? Yes. We are proud of being a Democracy. If democracy mean only, conducting regular elections and transfer of power with out blood shed. Then we are. But if it means involvement of people and raising their issues then, are we? What we have in the name of democracy is a shrewd combination and permutation of electoral mathematics. And the root of “secularism” lies in this electoral mathematics.
We hail the “secularism” when we see our Noble Ministers in the company of an Osama look-alike during election campaigns. We hail “secularism” by refusing to accept most (almost?) Islamic terrorists are carrying out terror acts. Our “secularism” restricts us to celebrate and pay respect to our national Heros, symbols, culture etc.
It was “secularism” which gave us the govt, we rightly deserve. United Progressive Alliance (UPA). Only adhesive which keeps them together is “secularism”. Have a look please…
Mr. Prime Minister
@Mercy of the QUEEN
C/o. Reverential Karat ji, Yechuri Ji, DassGupta Ji, BasuDev Ji, Paswan Ji, Soren Ji, Ramdoos Ji, Asali Pm Ji, Nakali Pm Ji, Super Pm Ji, Could have been Pm @ 25 Shri Rahul Ji, Priyanka Ji, Robert Ji, Arjun Ji, Should Have been PM Ji (Pranab Mukherjee Ji) and lest I forget, SADHU Ji And his JIJA JI. (Unqualified apologies for any name inadvertently left out).
We thank all of you Oh! all noble ladies and Gentlemen from delivering us from the clutches of “communal” forces. All other issues like safety and security, poverty, National pride, economic growth, infrastructure etc.are sacrificed at the altar of “secularism”. Thanks Again?
This is precisely where we are after practicing “secularism”.
Now if I feel that this “secularism” is the biggest threat to our country it is for the same reasons stated above.
But the debate has started and I expect you to enlighten me more on the subject. All and any views are most welcome.
Anil Joshi
Originall published on my blog @ NDTV.
6:15:13 PM
Posted by Prudent Indian at 2:27 AM
Vande Mataram
All right I ask THEM Don’t Sing Vande Mataram. Fine?
Then what NEXT?
What if you refuse to pay respect to the National Flag? NOT AT ALL you say! Convince us that no “secularist” will find or invent fault, even if none exists. As they have found this time when the “secular” Nehru and Maullana Azad and of-course, the forgotten Hero Neta Ji Subash Chandra Bose settled the issue and the GEET was adopted.
Please do not sing Vande Mataram, by all means, if it hurts your religious feelings. After all it is the religion first for you than the Nation.
But, pause and ponder, are you not suggesting that Islam is such a fragile faith? That it is always in danger by such an innocent and patriotic song and such other things. If this is untrue then what else all this ranting and ravings suggests?
On Sunday I happened to hear what our Honorable minister of state for home affairs Shri. Jai Prakash Jaiswal said about the whole issue, it appeared to me that more than Muslims it is the Congress who is against the Muslims to sing Vande Mataram. Nevertheless, if you still insist that you will not sing. Don’t sing.
What next then?
Jan Gana Man…? After all it too is in the honor of some one else than (*) ALLAH. Why is singing the GAAN not anti Islamic?
Constitution? Is it not against Shariya? After all you are supposed to be governed by the SHARIYA (Holy laws laid by the Prophet). Therefore believing in MAN WRITTEN/DRAWN laws, are not anti religion of yours????
The national emblem is taken from Sarnath Pillar of a HINDU Raja, The Ashoka The Great. So will you refuse to recognize it? And of course our national emblem is inscribed with the word “SATYAMEY JAYETA” in Devnagari script. Is this not, too against your religion and faith?
National Bird
Is the PEACOCK not closely associated with the Lord Krishna? Do you accept this beautiful bird as being “secular”? Is it not anti your religion that is “secular” and peace loving?
National Animal
Is the TIGER not recognized with MAA DURGA? Again, Tiger is anti Islam?
Last but not least…
Is it not your religious duty to annihilate all the NON-BELIEVERS (Kafirs)????????????
This all may look trivializing the issue and downrightly STUPID. And so it is.
But, the way and the arguments which are being advanced against the singing of Vande Matram by our “secular” brigade, the day is not far off when all the above will be opposed on one or another ground. Equalley sure I am that the “secular” brigade is so “intelligent” and its “eminent” scholars shall come out with startling facts and theories proving that who believe in all the above are “communal” and the “minority” community should be exempted from all this as “their religious feelings get hurt”.
Dear friends when as a kid my grand parents used to tell me the stories of Pre-Partition cunnings by Muslim League and compromises after compromises made by our great leaders then, I considered them “prejudiced”.
Today I feel sad that I didn’t believe them then. As we all see today, they were right?
Anil Joshi
(*) This is a very litigious issue therefore, cannot comment or discuss.
Posted by Prudent Indian at 11:17 PM
Shehnai maestro Ustad Bismillah Khan Passes away.
My Tribute to Ustad
Hum Deewano Ki kya Hasti Hai,
Hain Aaj Yahan;Kal Wahan Chalen.
Masti Ka Allam Saath Chale;
Hum Dhool Udatey Jahan Chalen
I am thank ful to the GOD Almightythat I was bestowed this honor to live on this planet Earth while you were too..
Posted by Prudent Indian at 9:10 PM
NCERT-Yogendra Yadav-Another Secular Assault.
I have just finished reading the News that Mr.Yogendra Yadav has been appointed, as the CHIEF Advisor to the NCERT.Task assigned to him is to advise the panel, on contemporary history, responsible for preparing NCERT textbooks.
WOW! I find it extremely interesting.
Please consider his Credentials…
Yogendra Yadav
Television Studios
Specializes in
Dissecting India and Indians in to microscopic Communities, sub Communities, Castes, Sub Castes, Sub Sub Castes and so on and on…
Drawing conclusions and presenting figures in such a way that you end up more confused than ever with a sinking feeling that we all are any thing but INDIANS.
Feeds On
Elections and sponsored surveys for and on behalf of influential “Secular, Liberal, Progressive” media houses and political parties.
Advocating reservation everywhere and anywhere.
Suave, Articualte, Charming and Pleasantly presentable.
Considering that he has been selected to advise the panel by none other than Our Able and Most Secular among the “Secularists” Shri Shri Arjun Singh Sahib’s ministry, His “secular” credentials are more impeccable even if we are not too sure about his Academic credentials.
In this light I find it not so difficult to guess what he is going to write/tell and our young children shall read.
1.Before Gujarat No riots ever took place. It all started when BJP assumed power. We all were living in “communal Peace and Harmony” till these “communal” forces took over and destroyed the “social and secular fabric”.
2.Godhra? What happened there? After all those were Hindus and worst, Ram Bakhts, they committed mass suicide, is as simple as that. See Banerjee report attested by “Secular” Lalu and Left. And if you need any further evidence “Secular media” is around to sermonize you.
3.1984,Sikh massacre were the spontaneous reaction of the Indira' admirers. Congress had no role to play.
4.Emergency! Well this was the most glorious period in Indian History. Remember trains used to run on time. Discpline was maintained in the Govt offices. Schoolteachers dutifully achieved their targets for “nasbandi”. So what if all opposition was jailed or press was gagged or...this all was done to save Indira oops...India.
5.Ayodhya, BJP politics. What right do the Hindus have to claim this place as Lord Ram's birthplace? Do they carry his birth certificate duly attested by Rishi Balmiki? Babar was a Muslim invader thus "secular” Ram was "Communal”. We are "secular" Nation and therefore Hindu, Hindi, Hindustan are the dirty words.
6.All these Bomb Blasts and terrorism are the handiwork of RSS and Bajrangies.They assume Muslim names and carry out these activities to malign Muslims. Islam is a religion of peace after all. So what, if they are at loggerheads with every one and any one, anywhere and everywhere on this planet Earth. If not with others, than among themselves.
7.I shall not be surprised if Hindu Kashmiri Pandits, Operation Blue Star, Creation Of Bhinderwala (Akali-Congress-Politics-Frankestien) Kanpore, Bhagalpur riots do not find any mention. Even if they do, will be conveniently blamed on the RSS.
8.Kandhar surrender was the worst as we released three terrorists as ransom against the lives of some 200 passengers of ill-fated IC814.Did you ask about RUBIHYA SAEED d/o Mufti Md. Saeed episode? So what, then we released terrorists as ransom after all it was a matter of great concern to Mr.Saeed (who also happened to be Home Minister as well) and a “secular” govt was in power. Co…me on, do not kid us, a very small sacrifice at the altar of “secularism”.
Long lives “Secularism”.
Posted by Prudent Indian at 1:24 AM
Devil's Advocate
Devil’s Advocate
So, ultimately truth is out and the truth, as we all knew right then, when the probe was ordered, is “Congress is Innocent and Natwar Singh is Natwar Lal”.
WOW! What a revelation? We are truly enlightened and overwhelmed? Let us rejoice and celebrate the exoneration of SONIA …oops sorry Congress and demonize Natwar for all he did or did not do. But Wait!
Please answer…
Q1.How is it possible that Sonia is exonerated when congress too is named in the Volcker report?
Q2.How is it possible that Sonia knew nothing about all this? Does even an ant move in congress without her knowledge/permission/consent? Any one who believes, is either an out right stupid or too cleaver by half. Remember, our Honorable law minister had once justified that Sonia has the right to see the Govt.files, as she was the chairperson of UPA, which of course he denied later.
Q3.Why is it that we see the media managers out on the TV and disassociating Sonia from all the stupid acts and controversies each time it breaks out, and this breaks out with such an alarming frequency. Congress and their managers should make up their mind once and for all about the role Sonia plays. No way it is possible for us to believe that Sonia knows every thing and she alone is to be credited with all the good things Govt.does and knows nothing when the Govt.finds itself in mess.
Q4.Natwar is being punished for abusing the office. Now which offices pray tell me? If he is found guilty of this offence than what do you say when “Q” fled away with the money from account defreeze by the govt? With whom was Q closed to (or still is)? Natwar? ManMohan? Or who…? Who is the boss?
Q5.Is it not, a fact that George Fernandez, was targeted at the behest of Madame? He was called “Kafan Chor”, was not allowed to speak and now this govt has been in power for more than 22 months why they could not bring the truth out and prosecute George in coffin gate?
No congress men/women or Baba log has the courage. They all know the answers, yet are afraid to answer. And I do not blame them. BaliDaan Devi is to be protected at any cost. Natwar, rightly so, refused to offer his BaliDaan.This is his sin and refusing to get sacrificed is a punishable crime in congress.
Supporting Natwar is not condoning his guilt/crime/indiscreation. Neither it is to justify the corruption nor abuse of power; issue at hand is the arrogant style of functioning by the Congress whenever they are in power. If they believe, they can do what ever they want when walking on the clutches (out side support), imagine the situation when they are in power on their own. This is what shudders me, or any one who had seen the EMERGENCY. And mind you, most of us still believe that Indira was Great.
Now my humble request to Natwar is…
Sir, you have come this far and you put such a high premium on you’re good honour, deservedly so, no corruption charges in 60 years carrer, come out clean and REDEEM your honor by telling us the truth. May I assure you that we the people of India shall be grateful if and only if we are told the truth? May I add the moment you start telling the truth half of the congress will flee the nation in the middle of night (top too) just as Q did.
Posted by Prudent Indian at 1:54 AM
A Prudent Option For The President
A Prudent Option For The People’s President?
Our honorable “PARLIAMENTARIANS” have again cleared the controversial Office of Profit Bill despite the President’s advice/caution.
The Bill, as it is, is against the very nature and spirit of the Consititution, worst is the way it has been pushed again. These worthy are behaving as if they have some divine right to do what ever they wish to save the skin of their fellow travelers. This move is nothing but an arrogant show of power. This is to tell the entire constitutional bodies that “We are Supreme” do not mess with us. Message is clear any law, morality, responsibility, accountability are for you, lesser mortals, we are the chosen people and these words mean nothing to us. This is an audacious move to impose their authority and all this is being done in the name of US, We the people of India. As a concerned citizen this is the nightmare I always dreaded.
Is this what is being called as “Peoples Democracy”? I have been cautioning for long that a day will come when immunity is granted to MP/MLAs for crimes like rape/murder etc. should the govt. of the day is threatened with loosing power. Who and How will they be stopped? Honorable Speaker Sir is, rightly, concerned about the dignity of the house yet we have not heard his “considerate opinion” on the subject till date. Madame Sonia Mata Ji…oops, sorry Sonia Gandhi, such a “TYAG MOORTI”(twice, not once she has shown the world how to tyag, you folks remember?)Cannot convince all these popular leaders (who stand to loose seats) are beyond my comprehension. I am equally baffled by the insistence of these (could have been)’s concern about not facing the electorate again. The fictitious argument forwarded is that nation cannot beer the expenses of reelections. May I ask when Sonia Mata Ji, in her TYAG EPISODE No.2, could force Amethi people back in to polling booths then why the others are chickening out? And if this is to save us from “communal” Govt., then God Help Us.
ALAS! This will not happen! After all I am talking about, you all know, WHAT and WHO.
That leaves us at your doorsteps MR. PRESIDENT.
I am no Constitutional expert neither I claim to be a self righteous, moralistic, maroon nor I posses the right (or left) credentials to be called an “intellectual” and, yes, by no means I am associated with RSS or BJP, am a simple man who pays taxes in time and in full. Celebrate when India wins. Seethe in anger (Often impotent rage) when my countrymen, women and children are blown in to pieces.
If you want to know me then let me name myself as “MUSSIDI LAL”. Period…
His Excellency, The President Of India, Sir may I humbly request you to choose an option which is purely in your hands, and that is to RESIGN GRACEFULLY WITH OUT SIGNING THIS BILL. Be mindful of the following reasons…
. Respected Sir your term ends by another 12 months.
. You offended Sonia by not swearing her as Pm and she had to do”Tyag”. Congressmen/women are very unforgiving when it comes to the “FAMILY”, Sir you might not know the fate of Kesri and Narsimha Rao.
. This Government shall not reelect you for the second term.
. You were opposed when you were chosen to head us as The President, by the left and they are unfortunitaly/fortunitaly are the main protagonists.
. Respected Sir, this country needs more Kalams Like you and we all fear loosing an ICON as great as you. (Excuse me, if I go over board). You have been so humble and intelligent and we all, WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, admire, look forward to you as a source of inspiration. Which is indisputably, you deserve Sir.
. Please do not be a party to this fraud on the nation.
We all, even a small kid in class 2nd, know your constraints as per constitution; still you can exercise the option you have.
Respected Sir it is neither escapism nor defeatism it is beating the system as I understand from my humble knowledge of management.
This is the one weapon, if used, shall be the great service to the nation, which is called INDIA. And the whole nation shall, forever be indebted to Dr.Kalam as THE PRESEDINT OF INDIA, who delivered us from this malaise forever.
Respected Sir,
It is your privilege to exercise the power, discreation of right or wrong and as stated above this is just my humble opinion or the option I would have opted for, given the situation you are in, nevertheless, in humble opinion I believe that you still have an option.
With Very Warm Regards,
Prudent Indian
Posted by Prudent Indian at 2:37 AM
Supremacy of Parliament?
Supremacy of Parliament, YES. Of Parliamentarian’s, NO.
For the past two years or so a phrase has been used more often than not, that “Parliament is Supreme”. Supreme yes yet Supreme Most, NO. Is that what is needed to be told to our “Honorable” parliamentarians and the Honorable Speaker Sir?
Each and every time a question is raised about the validity of a law, is crushed saying, “Parliament is Supreme”. The honorable Speaker Sir saying, “Parliament is Supreme”, rejects (rather refused to accept) a notice by the Supreme Court. An act is passed first in Mumbai and followed by Delhi making all the illegal constructions legal, all in the name of “We are legislators and we have a right to make, amend law”, inspite of Supreme Court thinking otherwise. The Government pushes a law, which is ostensibly an act of saving few individuals (office of profit), again saying, “We are legislators and we have a right to make, amend law, as we please (to please Madame, most of the times)”, Let His Excellency Mr. President agree or not (damn we care)”.” We have got the mandate to rule” goes the rhetoric and we shall force the President or Supreme Court to mend their ways/views since we (I, for you discern:” WHO”) have got the mandate. Of Course, 20% seats and regional parties supporting us-though different agendas- are numerically more than others. A numerical democracy, than a real democracy. A democracy that equates donkey with a horse. A democracy that means any body elected and thus empowered shall be the “MALLIK” of our destiny. And we talk about “Mandate”, whose mandate and who gave it? Did any one party asked votes claiming they will defy the President or saying will make a law where a law abiding citizen will be pushed aside since he/she paid bills or taxes on time and in full and all those who evaded taxes shall be exempted or excused just because they vote in a particular fashion.
I am all for democracy, as long as it is not Numerocracy, as it is being practiced.
What we all have been hearing is that some one got the mandate to “RULE” us and she “SACRIFICED”. Question1.If indeed then why she abdicated her duty? Ouestion2 If She is so enlightned, as she has been projected, then why she didn’t take the responsibility to govern?
Excuse me if I am drifting away from the real issue which is,” Is Parliament Supreme”? Ideally it should be. But is it? I have my doubts.
Few hypothetical questions, necessarily not impossible.
-What if Parliament passes a law, should the govt. feel threatened of loosing power by disqualification of some, rape as a legitimate act of MP’S? Since “Parliament is Supreme”.
-What if Parliament passes a law claiming that speaking against the Govt. is tantamount to being a traitor, hence hanged, since they passed a law?
-What if in the infinite wisdom of our “Selected” representatives we all who are questioning, and God willing Shall always be questioning, declared as Persona-Non granta, since theses parliamentarians are “Supreme”?
By the way, may I ask, who gave them this supremacy? You, any another or me? Had they asked us that they would go and defy the SC? Or asked us to go against the wishes of President? Were any body asked for compromising the security of our children and self? Or did they ask you to vote for them since they believe that they alone have the exclusive right to decide who shall be the makers of our destiny by their doings or undoings? Did any body vote for this govt. or voted against the incumbent govt. then? What is a mandate? For whom? Against whom? And finally for what? Are the questions needs to be answered and answered forthwith.
Just because a govt. is in power by accident does not necessarily mean that they have got the license to rule or ruin the nation, which in any case is much bigger than some or few individuals.
Much as I want to hesitatingly concede that Parliament is “Supreme” yet have lost the confidence in the system.
Post me if you agree or disagree.
Prudent Indian
Posted by Prudent Indian at 10:14 AM
Reality hits home
Reality hits home
Muzamil Jaleel
UP, Bihar weren’t recruiting grounds for Kashmir jihad. Why is it different for Mumbai?
Security agencies are unable to find a Kashmir link to the Mumbai serial train bombs, unlike the past. The arrests of three suspects — two from Bihar, and a third from Navi Mumbai — made on Friday, in fact, hint at a new phase of terror that is autonomous and perpetrated by a network of home-grown foot soldiers. J&K Director General of Police Gopal Sharma only underlined this when he told the media recently that the pattern of the Mumbai serial blasts is new. No clues have led to groups operating in the state.
This apparent lack of a link between the serial bomb blasts in Mumbai with the epicentre of militancy has thrown up a new challenge for security agencies, especially as it substantiates the viewpoint that an autonomous network has finally come up in the country outside the borders of J&K. And although security agencies here do not rule out the ‘outside hand’ in these blasts, they insist that this time there is the “worrisome involvement” of a local cell made up of “men with normal lives and a clean crime slate” which “masterminded the attack, chose the target and then executed it with precision”.
Terror as a domestic phenomenon is, of course, not new to Mumbai. In 1993, when the metro was rocked by a series of blasts, investigations became easy once the involvement of the D-Company was established. But as the investigations into the 7/11 blasts progresses, the Kashmir link as well as an underworld connection is being ruled out. This may come as a bitter reality check for the country. The emergence of indigenous terror cells among Indian Muslims is certainly a culmination of a process of alienation that has its roots in anti-Muslim riots and subsequent communal polarization. There is also every likelihood that the timing and the targets of these attacks, too, are aimed at sharpening the existing communal division and thus creating an atmosphere conducive to future recruitments.
Notice how recent terror targets have been religiously sensitive places like Varanasi, or timed to coincide with religious occasions — like the Delhi blasts occurring on the eve of the Diwali and Id festivals. Why this apparent objective to trigger communal riots? Ordinary Indian Muslims — outside J&K — had never been attracted to Kashmiri militancy even though they share a common faith with Kashmiri Muslims and Pakistanis. Security agencies in J&K put the number of Indian Muslims who came to join various Kashmiri militant groups over the past 16 years of insurgency at a negligible 50.
Why didn’t Muslim youth from UP, Bihar or Gujarat — unlike youth from Pakistan — not join militant outfits in Kashmir, even though they had no Line of Control to cross, no mountains to negotiate, no army to hide from to reach the Valley? In fact, for them it is just a short journey by train or bus. Thousands of Indian Muslims do come to work as manual labourers in the state, but their inclination to join forces with Kashmiri militants is altogether absent.
Nothing explains this phenomenon more than the case of the Jamat-e-Islami — a cadre-based Islamist party founded by Maulana Abul Ala Moududi in 1941. With partition, it had its Indian and Pakistani chapters. When the Jamat-e-Islami was introduced in Kashmir in 1951, its affinity was always with the Pakistan chapter rather than with the Jamat-e-Islami (Hind). Unlike the Jamat in Pakistan and Kashmir, the Jamat-e-Islami (Hind) has remained an apolitical organisation, with unflinching loyalty to the Indian motherland. In any case, if radical Islam had been a motivation to turn to militancy, then the Al Qaida would certainly have had considerable recruits from among India’s 130 million Muslims. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recently boasted that the Al Qaida has not managed a single recruit from India, and he was absolutely right.
Most senior police officers in J&K agree that areas where communal violence is rampant become easy recruitment grounds for militants. Security agencies in Kashmir are currently investigating the presence of some ten Gujarati Muslims taking arms training in the mountains of Tral, where a former seminary student from Maharashtra was killed in an encounter recently.
There are other examples too. Chand Khan — the man who ferried fidayeens from South Kashmir to Akshardham — had told his interrogators in Srinagar that he joined the jihadi group only after Gujarat riots. Azam Ghauri’s evolution in becoming one of India’s most wanted militants has its roots in communal riots. According to the investigations, Ghauri — who had a Naxal past — was present at a meeting organised in Bhiwandi soon after communal violence had ripped it apart in 1985. Ten years later, Ghauri, a young man from a Hyderabadi Muslim family, and his close associate Karim ‘Tunda’ (handicapped), set up a proper terror network for the Lashkar but their main motivation remained avenging the communal riots and their recruits were invariably victims of riots. Gauri was killed in an encounter in 2000.
Then there is Jalees Ansari — a doctor who was arrested in 1994. He decided to leave his job and plant bombs on December 6, 1992 — the day of the Babri demolition. Ansari joined the Tehreek-Islahul-Muslimeen (Movement for Reform among Muslims) — an extremist group founded in Mominpura (Mumbai) to “avenge communal violence against Muslims”.
Going by these recent developments, we can spot new faultlines on the terror map. Violence is no longer limited to the Hindi belt or to Gujarat and Maharashtra, but has travelled all the way to Kerala too. The emergence of National Democratic Front — a 50,000-strong outfit that came up as a reaction to the Babri Masjid demolition — has put this state that prides itself on having the highest literacy rate in the country on the boil.
At a time when Mumbai’s Black Tuesday is being used as political capital by various political parties, it is important not to lose sight of the internal dimension of the latest terror attacks. This, in turn, raises crucial issues. Issues like justice delivery for the victims of the Gujarat riots, and the dangers inherent in blaming the entire Muslim community in India for the acts of a few alienated elements intent on pursuing their politics of revenge.muzamil.jaleel@expressindia.co
Reality hits home?
What is new in this article? Any new findings? Does the reality really hit home? NO.
This is merely an attempt to repeat the hollow excuses often offered to justify the Islamic violence against humanity. Same old thesis of Muslims alleged alienation, sufferings (perceived or real) etc. Every time a bomb explodes anywhere the same old false hood is offered. A Poverty is forcing the Muslims to take to terrorism. B Others (in India Hindus) have alienated the Muslims, some of whom have taken to terrorism out of frustration. C All and every act of terrorism is invariably linked to Gujarat riots, often described as anti Muslims, as if this is justification for the killing of innocent Man, women and children. No serious attempt is ever made to find the truth. Jaleel too has just gone through the usual mundane exercise there for Reality Does Not Hit Home.
What Jaleel should have focused was the inherent faults in the community itself, which is at loggerheads with almost everyone across the globe. To understand this better let us reexamine the theories one by one…
A Poverty: Two things need to be said regarding poverty as an apology.1.Muslims are not the only one who are poor. There are many more Hindus, Sikhs, Christian or others who are equally poor if not more. How many of them are terrorists? 2.Of late many educated and well to do Muslims were behind the worst acts of terrorism. Twin Tower Bombings, London metro bombings, Parliament attack etc .All the terrorist involved were not uneducated poor Muslims. There stand this excuse, Repudated.
B Alleged Alienation of Muslims: This too does not hold any water. In India Kashmiri Pundits are the one who can rightly claim to be alienated. They are worst sufferes, thrown out from their homes, brusied with the memories of rape, loot, aroson, selective killings of their family members. Ethnecially cleansed from the valley. Mr. Jaleel how many of them are terrorists? In every society be it, USA, UK, Russia, Taimor, Spain, France, India everywhere Muslims complain of alienation whereas other communities JewsHindus, Sikhs, Chinese-they live in harmony and are more prosperous. They do not complain alienation. These communities have assimilated themselves with the culture of adopted nations while maintaining their religious and ethnic identities. Why have they not taken to terrorism?
C Gujarat Riots: Here too he is off the mark. The writer suggests that Prior to Gujarat riots there were not any terrorist strikes in India. Every thing was cool and calm and we all were happy and secure. Am I right Mr.Jaleel? Blamining Gujarat riots (I condemn the riots and has no justification for the killings of any body) for all the ills is extremely dangerous argument. What Mr. Jaleel says, if I am correct, is that since Muslims were killed therefore they have taken to terrorism to avenge the killings. He conveniently forgets to mention Godhra Train as if those killed in S4 were dispensiable, any where in his long write up, Godhra and those killed fail to get even a passing reference. How convenient Mr. Jaleel this is a shining example of your objectivity.
I call this argument dangerous because by applying the same logic then Kashmiri Pundits has the strongest case for joining terrorist outfits and they should have taken to arms long ago. By now they should have killed each and every one who killed their family members, raped their sisters and mothers, threw them out of their homes. Would you have given the same argument to justify this terrorism as passionately? Are you suggesting Mr.Jaleel that post Anti Sikh Riots of 1984,all members of the victim’s family should start avenging by killing the members of the political party alleged to have played the role then? If, No? Then what is that you are suggesting?
Mr. Jaleel, respectfully, I beg to differ with you. When I started reading you article I had expectations of an objective analysis (as I always expect from IE) but am disappointed. More than me it is betrayal of truth and objectivity at the altar of political correctness. Worst, it is for the community of Muslims.
Few last words
1.I share your concern for delivering justice for Gujarat Riot victims, however do you still not find Godhra Victims as Humans crying for justice????
2.Please use the platform of IE judiciously, lest we readers are disillusioned totally with this institution.
Prudent Indian
Posted by Prudent Indian at 1:07 AM
STOP reminding, the resilience and resolve to carry on with the life as if I had a choice. STOP celebrating the spirit of communal harmony, as if every time HINDUS started rioting and killing Muslims as soon as bomb blasted somewhere. STOP pretending that crisis will be over by shutting our eyes. STOP being POLITICALLY CORRECT.STOP THAT. STOP THERE.
Start Thinking; pondering…
-You and me were just plain lucky that we did not get kill in this blast. But shall we be lucky or our children, next time?
-Would you or me had accepted a cheque for RS.500, 000/= because my kin lost life in blast as a magnanimous gesture of LALOO YADAV or SONIA GANDHI in the presence of media?
-How would you or me have felt had there been our friends or family members?
-Has any body seen (even in the night mares) our loved ones in the position of those who lost their lives?
-How and what makes you so confident that you or me are not the next?
-What is the reason for you to believe that you or me shall not die (wasted), in the next bomb blast?
-How would have you felt, God forbid, incase a near and dear one of your or mine had lost life and `Secular’ media justified, “LIFE MUST GO ON” and celebrate the spirit of `Resilience’?
-Once again would you have just accepted the platitudes of the SARDAR MANMOHAN SINGH that INDIA WILL NOT KNEEL TO TERRORISM and goes on with the company of Arjun and Antulay?
If answer to all the above mentioned are NO then what are you thinking? What have you done? Whom are you waiting for? And why are you waiting?
This is Kal-youg, no Lord Krishna is going to preach you about your `Dharma’, and he has done it once.
History shows that no Invader has ever conquered India without the support of an in sider (enemy). Be it Jaichand or Mir Jaffer.If it were them, then, than who are Arjun and Antulay?
Prudent Indian
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Posted by Prudent Indian at 12:09 AM
Arjun,Antulay and Mumbai Blasts
Dear Friends,
I am reproducing a front-page report published on today’s Indian Express.
Prudent Indian
NEW DELHI, JULY 13:At a Cabinet discussion on the Government’s response to the terror attacks in Mumbai, while National Security Advisor M K Narayanan pointed a finger at Pakistan, two Ministers tried to make the point that it was routine for Hindu groups to blame Muslims for acts of violence.
HRD Minister Arjun Singh, sources said, quoted a retired Maharashtra judge as having alleged that the attempted attack on RSS headquarters in Nagpur was a frame-up by the Sangh itself. And Minority Affairs Minister A R Antulay cited reports that a mystery blast in Maharashtra’s Nanded in April was orchestrated by Hindus posing as Muslims.
Sources said this prompted Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to urge the Ministers to refrain from raising “divisive issues” in the Cabinet before bringing them to his attention.
Meanwhile, holding Pakistan responsible for infiltration from PoK, Nepal and Bangladesh, Narayanan indicated to the Cabinet that Pak-based groups were behind the Mumbai serial blasts and all efforts were on to nail the link.
Home Minister Shivraj Patil briefed the Cabinet on the attacks and steps taken by the government. This included trip of Congress President Sonia Gandhi and Railway Minister Laloo Prasad Yadav to Mumbai and the compensation given to the victims.
Clearly not satisfied by the Home Minister’s reply, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar requested NSA Narayanan to give his assessment on the issue. The NSA admitted that he only had a “macro picture” and not the details of the twin attacks. shishir.gupta@expressindia.com
Posted by Prudent Indian at 11:55 PM
Secularism and politics of Secularism 2.
Secularism and politics of Secularism 2.
Role of the Media
Usual Suspects and Usual Secularists.
Once again Mumbai has been ripped apart.200 innocent men, women and children lost their lives for the only reason that they were soft targets and living in India. India, which is “SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC”. We Indians have become so used to about the loss of lives that it no longer affects us any more than, few days. Political bigwigs visit the sites dutifully announces ex-gratis payments, PM condemns and constitute an enquiry, some reports, studio discussions by the “secular” news channels, long winding articles by the “eminent” editors of English press extolling the virtues of “secular and liberal thinking” preaching us to maintain communal harmony and the deaths are forgotten as mere statistics and then every thing goes back to the normal till next attack and the same mundane routine to be repeated.
It has happened so many times and has been happening with such sickening frequency that even the “Liberal and Secular” finds it difficult to articulate their views so that they can defend their brand of “Secularism”.
Post Mumbai, this brigade has been seeking to divert the attention from the attacks and the usual suspects to “Resilience and Resolve” of the public to carry on with their lives. Eminient media personalities ably supported by Javed Ahktars, Shabana Azamis, Mahesh Bhatts, and Rahul Boses etc. have taken it upon themselves to tell us how the people have risen above the terror designed to ferment “communal strife” and defeated the designs of misguided elements. As if the “Resilience and Resolve” of the people were ever in doubt. How and what does a poor man on the street, train, market, office or any where do but to carry on, does he really have a choice? NO.
Media in their studios and the editors in their high-rise offices choose to ignore in their infinite wisdom about the loss of life and the pain of the victims over some lofty ideas of “Secularism” and “communal harmony”, they can not be more farther from the realities. Much of their hyperbole is politics and political beliefs. At times when their focus should be on the perpetrators of crimes they choose to focus on the issues which their political friends want them to. First and foremost are to blame BJP and SANGH PARIVAR for all the ills even if they have no relation or relevance. Second priority is to shift the focus from Islamic Fundamentalism by floating some absurd theories. This “secular brigade” started calling the cold-blooded murderers as “MILLITANTS”. This brigade says that Gujarat Riot’s and Disputed Structure at Ayodhya are the provocation behind this group’s acts and are described as oppressed and aggrieved people (only Muslims) who kill with meticulous planning. But if you ask them, if the victims of 1984 Anti Sikh Riots and all the family members of countless civilians, who have either been killed or maimed by these Islamic Terrorists in Kashmir and other parts of India, should too take to arms and start taking revenge. No way! “Secularists” wants you to believe that this right to avenge right or wrong, is the exclusive right of Muslims and they are still considered secular, now since you have asked this question and happens to be Hindu you are Communal. Further how many times you have seen these bleeding heart TV SECULARISTS espousing the cause of Sikh Victims and Hindu Kashmiri Pundits. The moment you ask them this logical question they all will shout you down by calling you “communal”, “Fascist” etc.
Let us just see who are these secularist and their media houses, who are the most SECULAR and on the forefront they are …
NDTV:Owned by Pranoy Roy whose proximity to Madame Sonia is well known. His wife Radhika Roy is the sister of Brinda Karat of CPI (M)’s boss Prakash Karat. Need we say more on Barkhas, Vikrams, Abhigyans, Debangs and their friends and guests who appear on the channels and debates?
The Hindustan Times: Owned by Shovana Bhartiya d/o Birla. Their proximity with Congress dates back to history and Shovana has been elected to Rajya Sabha (courtesy congress) for her services.
By the way does any body know the name of Ht’s editor?
Now the leading paper from the south The Hindu is just an extended organ of the Communist Ideology.
This is the one paper I respect most, The Indian Express. Yet, time and again it has to prove it’s secular credentials by Naming Narrender Modi and Gujarat in the each article it writes, truthfully though, against Islamic Fundamentalism. At most of the times neither Modi nor Gujarat warrants any mention yet they are dragged lest this paper be called less Secular or worst “Communal”.
Now about the only paper that can be described as the most fearless, straightforward and objective, who has no pretensions to be called “Secular”. This paper is The Pioneer.Predictibly this paper is dismissed as “communal”.
So is the case with AajTak, which too is considered, as close to BJP though not branded as communal by “secularis” is a border case.
Rest channels are either too young or too commercial that they have more entertainment value than serious content.
This is what is the analysis of National Media. If they are what they are then one can safely assume the situation at the regional level and the regional press.
All this is not to suggest that all media is not as objective as it had been, but more or less prejudiced in favor or against. Role of the media Pre. And post independence had been praise worthy till 1971.During and after emergency polarization of media started and completed with the advent of visual media.
Nevertheless, the visual media has such a huge impact and it is high time they should place the national interest above their petty ideological beliefs and leanings.
The war cannot be won by studio discussions and ignoring the facts by being just politically correct.
Prudent Indian
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Posted by Prudent Indian at 11:50 PM
ManMohan and Golden Silence
When was the last time you heard the honorable PM spoken on any issue facing the nation? At least I fail to recall. Except, of course the last press conference, if he did speak at all!!!
Clearly no one can claim that he/she knows for sure what is going on in his Heart and Head. Perhaps Madame Sonia? The PM has maintained an enigmatic silence through out his two years in power. He has rarely expressed his views on any matter concerning governance; an objective study of the past events reinforces this perception that he is there just to keep the seat warm for the member of “FAMILY”.
His tenure started with the formation of his illustrious cabinet. Such towering “Statesmen” Laloo, Shibu Soren, Taslimuddin, Jai Prakash Yadav, M A Fatami and many more. Congress men/women who had recently lost their elections. Start was all but auspicious.
Shibu Soren episode.
Minister in the govt.accused with murder charge chased by police armed with an arrest warrant goes under ground after meeting the Home Minister.
PM response: Nil.
Bofors kick back release
Both PM and Sonia denied that they were involved. Worst PM said he did not know
Arjun Singh, Ramdoss, Meera Kumar, Bihar Assembly Fraud on constitution, Goa Episode, Jharkhand Assembly Fraud, Office Of Profit controversy and the Sonia Bachao7 Proposed Ordinance etc.etc.On none of the above mentioned issues our wise PM took the people in confidence and spoke.
Ostensibly, the decision of Sonia to nominate Man Mohan as PM was to manage the Govt.and political party as two entities and in an effective way. Yet this has not worked out. Government and the governance is nowhere near the satisfactory level even. Sprilling price rises and an economy of shortages has severely affected the image of PM as an economist. On the political front Sonia too has nothing to claim credit for, this despite her minions repeated eulogies of her “REUNICATION”.
The UPA is United (Laloo vs. Paswan, Left vs. Congress, NCP vs. congress) Progressive (Really what with reservations, price rise, farmers suicide, putting all much needed disinvestments on hold, repealing POTA when all the nations are making stringent laws against terrorism) Alliance (post elections for only sharing the loot and keeping BJP away from power). UPA can do better with a name as Unholy Perverts Association.
Time is not on the side of Man Mohan. He has to demonstrate that he is what people believed he was. People’s trust in him is eroding faster than he realizes.
A word for caution Dear PM, Congressmen and women are not known for being benevolent any body else than the “FAMILY” and pull the carpets under the feet of any body whom they feel as dispensable. Remember Sita Ram Kesri and more recently Natwar Lal, OOPs… Natwar Singh.
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Posted by Prudent Indian at 12:54 AM
Saner Voice
Dear Friends,
I am reproducing the article published in The Indian Express dated July 8th.2006.The writer Shri Bhanu Pratap Mehta is the same person who had resigned from the Knowledge Commission in protest against the Arjun Singh’s attempt to introduce OBC reservation in the Institutes of higher learning.
This article is very enlightening and in the interest of my guests, I take the liberty to share this article with you all in case you missed it.
Anil Joshi
Shri. Pratap Bhanu Mehta writes…
The treatment of Dr Venugopal and the response to it not only expose the government yet again, it also displays the moral bankruptcy of our academic culture Even by the dismally low standards of institutional propriety that we practice, the manner in which the AIIMS Board has treated its Director Dr Venugopal was nothing short of scandalous. To have a board summarily recommend the dismissal of a Director without properly filing charges, without giving him an opportunity to reply and largely on the pretext that he was openly critical of the government—does not bode well for the future of AIIMS.
The High Court’s stay order in the matter is an acknowledgment of serious prima facie impropriety. The violation of any principle of natural justice in this matter is so evident, that you wonder what the Board could have been thinking in acting in the manner it did.
One suspects the issue was not simply getting rid of Dr Venugopal. It was to send a message to all heads of institutions: fall in line or else. The aftereffect will far outlive any protection Dr Venugopal receives from the courts. The political battle for restoring the integrity of academic institutions has to begin, not end, with this order.
This episode reflects badly on the Prime Minister and the consistent failure of his leadership to set the right moral tone in institutional matters. Doubtless, the Prime Minister’s Office will distance him, saying this was the Board’s decision. But the Office of the Prime Minister is considerably diminished by this episode. After all, it was the very same PMO, which had appointed a committee headed by Dr Valiyathan to examine what ails AIIMS a few days ago. Even that committee, to which the PM had directly given his blessings, was a breach of propriety because it had one of the interested parties in this conflict—the Health Secretary—as a member. But for a minister to initiate a precipitous action, without even waiting for this committee to make its report public, shows nothing but open contempt for the Prime Minister’s authority
It gives credence to the charge that this government is getting out of control. Various members of the cabinet are charting their own course, intoxicated by their own power and driven by their own agendas—while the Prime Minister watches helplessly. There is one thing Mr Ramdoss and Mr Arjun Singh are right about: power flows to those who exercise it. And it is up to the PM to restore his lost credibility. Integrity should have more connotations than just honesty.
But this episode reflects badly on the government in another way.
The bottom line is this: there is now a systematic attempt by this government to convert institutions of higher learning into mere appendages of the state. The disease that had killed off state-level institutions is now haunting Central institutions as well.
Various directives from the government are making it clear that this government wants more control over institutions of higher education. It operates with a bizarre conception of accountability — where accountability has been reduced to accountability of institutions to government nominees, not accountability through choice, competition and transparency.
Even the Moily Committee, while it may do some good in terms of recommending expansion, nevertheless, is a breach of propriety, for it makes the cardinal mistake of assuming that a Central Committee should be empowered to recommend the nature and extent of expansion, rather than universities themselves. In many ways, we are now back on the verge of the worst days of the ‘70s, where a Left-Congress combine conspired to ruin Indian Higher Education. That strategy was based on a triple cocktail that is poisoning the Indian system: populism, state control and exercise of arbitrary discretion, and buying out teacher support with perverse incentives like automatic promotion schemes.
The current government strategy is similar: foist your agenda on institutions and then buy out the support of teachers by dangling carrots like increased retirement ages and new pay packets. Some of these measures are necessary, but they are designed not to improve academic incentives but as palliative to defuse protest. Admittedly, many politicians, including some on the Left, have expressed their consternation in the AIIMS case, but few will acknowledge that its cause lies deep in the penchant for statism and political control that should be disavowed.
It was to the great credit of Prof Pental and Prof S K Agrawal to have recorded their notes of dissent. It is difficult for outsiders to imagine the kinds of pressures government is bringing to bear upon those who dare criticize it. But the exceptionalism of their dissent only raises the larger question: Why is the academic community not standing up for academic values? All professional tribes have their disagreements. But whether we are for or against quotas should be immaterial in this instance. What is at stake is nothing less than the integrity of academic life.
Perhaps it is a sign of how denuded of spirit our academic culture has become, that we are the first to abdicate our own responsibilities and powers to government. It is time we, as a profession, stop giving aid and succor to a wholesale government takeover of our institutions. This episode does not augur well for tolerance.
The fact that we have stopped thinking in terms of institutional proprieties is a sign of a deep and pervasive intolerance and instrumentalism creeping in the system. In this scheme of things, the ends justify the means. If people oppose you, you have the right to shut them out using whatever means appropriate. It takes an inordinate amount of self-denial and dedication to enter academia these days, especially for those who are accomplished. The courts have provided a reprieve but the institution remains bruised.
This has been a crushing and demoralizing week for so many youngsters: more than ninety per cent marks and no hope for admission. And then we go and destroy the few good institutions that remain. While power is intoxicating ministers in this government to the point where ordinary academic proprieties are beyond them, society has to face up to a larger challenge. For fundamentally, a nation which denies its institutions of Higher Learning certain privileges, shows signs of cultural, institutional and social decay.
The writer is president, Center for Policy Research, New Delhi.
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Posted by Prudent Indian at 1:19 AM
Secularism and Politics of “Secularism.” Part 1.
For past ten twelve years this word secularism has been the focus of much debate, but that is all about it. People are as confused as they were.
However, focus of my writing this article is the politics of “SECULARISM”. Since 1990 this word has been the axis of our national politics. The entire political spectrum is divided in to two categories. “Secular” and “Communal.” Who is secular and who is communal depends on which side OF POLITICAL DIVIDE you are.
If by any chance you are politically inclined towards the Congress then you are automatically conferred the title of “SECULARIST.” If you are a supporter of BJP then you are communal and no amount of reasoning will justify your being a “SECULAR.” Further the more you denounce HINDU, HINDI and HINDUSTAN the more “Secular” you become. A Mani Shankar, self claimed “SECULAR FUNDAMENTALIST”, takes pride and stakes his claim to be more secular than others since HE EATS BEEF. Need you more proof?
And if you take pride in your customs, heritage, nation and any thing remotely connected with Hinduism you are labeled as “Communal.”
Keeping the above-mentioned political scene in mind, let us ponder over the word “SECULARISM.”
We take pride in calling our self as the biggest democracy. We all citizens of India have the right to vote once we turn 18 irrespective of cast, creed or sex. We elect our self a government and give them a right to govern us constitutionally. One-man one vote is a sacrosanct principal of democracy. This is where we need to focus and find the root cause of “SECULARISM” V/S “COMMUNALISM.”
Hindus though are numerically in majority but are not considered so. Because they are believed, (rightly so), to be divided in various caste and factions and never vote, for or against, in bloc. Muslims on the contrary are believed to be a minority community but still considered (and again rightly so) a potential vote bank is much sought after by political parties. Why? It is not difficult to judge as they can influence electoral fortunes of any political party by voting in bloc either in favor or against. No other community has this advantage. Thus they enjoy attention of every “secular” party.
Each party in the “secular” camp is ever eager to be seen as the benefactor of Muslims. To be SEEN is more important then to do something substantial for them. To be seen is so important that these so called “secularists” would go to any length. Take the case of Paswan asking for a Muslim CM in Bihar elections. A Lallo parading an Osama look-alike. Congress appointing a committee to count Muslim heads in our defense forces.
To all right thinking persons this is pure mathematics in the guise of “secularism”.
In second part we shall discuss how is the politics being played in the MEDIA. And shall also probe how the MEDIA has been indulging in the politics of “SECULARISM”
Posted by Prudent Indian at 11:42 PM