Supremacy of Parliament?
Supremacy of Parliament, YES. Of Parliamentarian’s, NO.
For the past two years or so a phrase has been used more often than not, that “Parliament is Supreme”. Supreme yes yet Supreme Most, NO. Is that what is needed to be told to our “Honorable” parliamentarians and the Honorable Speaker Sir?
Each and every time a question is raised about the validity of a law, is crushed saying, “Parliament is Supreme”. The honorable Speaker Sir saying, “Parliament is Supreme”, rejects (rather refused to accept) a notice by the Supreme Court. An act is passed first in Mumbai and followed by Delhi making all the illegal constructions legal, all in the name of “We are legislators and we have a right to make, amend law”, inspite of Supreme Court thinking otherwise. The Government pushes a law, which is ostensibly an act of saving few individuals (office of profit), again saying, “We are legislators and we have a right to make, amend law, as we please (to please Madame, most of the times)”, Let His Excellency Mr. President agree or not (damn we care)”.” We have got the mandate to rule” goes the rhetoric and we shall force the President or Supreme Court to mend their ways/views since we (I, for you discern:” WHO”) have got the mandate. Of Course, 20% seats and regional parties supporting us-though different agendas- are numerically more than others. A numerical democracy, than a real democracy. A democracy that equates donkey with a horse. A democracy that means any body elected and thus empowered shall be the “MALLIK” of our destiny. And we talk about “Mandate”, whose mandate and who gave it? Did any one party asked votes claiming they will defy the President or saying will make a law where a law abiding citizen will be pushed aside since he/she paid bills or taxes on time and in full and all those who evaded taxes shall be exempted or excused just because they vote in a particular fashion.
I am all for democracy, as long as it is not Numerocracy, as it is being practiced.
What we all have been hearing is that some one got the mandate to “RULE” us and she “SACRIFICED”. Question1.If indeed then why she abdicated her duty? Ouestion2 If She is so enlightned, as she has been projected, then why she didn’t take the responsibility to govern?
Excuse me if I am drifting away from the real issue which is,” Is Parliament Supreme”? Ideally it should be. But is it? I have my doubts.
Few hypothetical questions, necessarily not impossible.
-What if Parliament passes a law, should the govt. feel threatened of loosing power by disqualification of some, rape as a legitimate act of MP’S? Since “Parliament is Supreme”.
-What if Parliament passes a law claiming that speaking against the Govt. is tantamount to being a traitor, hence hanged, since they passed a law?
-What if in the infinite wisdom of our “Selected” representatives we all who are questioning, and God willing Shall always be questioning, declared as Persona-Non granta, since theses parliamentarians are “Supreme”?
By the way, may I ask, who gave them this supremacy? You, any another or me? Had they asked us that they would go and defy the SC? Or asked us to go against the wishes of President? Were any body asked for compromising the security of our children and self? Or did they ask you to vote for them since they believe that they alone have the exclusive right to decide who shall be the makers of our destiny by their doings or undoings? Did any body vote for this govt. or voted against the incumbent govt. then? What is a mandate? For whom? Against whom? And finally for what? Are the questions needs to be answered and answered forthwith.
Just because a govt. is in power by accident does not necessarily mean that they have got the license to rule or ruin the nation, which in any case is much bigger than some or few individuals.
Much as I want to hesitatingly concede that Parliament is “Supreme” yet have lost the confidence in the system.
Post me if you agree or disagree.
Prudent Indian
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