
NCERT-Yogendra Yadav-Another Secular Assault.

I have just finished reading the News that Mr.Yogendra Yadav has been appointed, as the CHIEF Advisor to the NCERT.Task assigned to him is to advise the panel, on contemporary history, responsible for preparing NCERT textbooks.

WOW! I find it extremely interesting.

Please consider his Credentials…
Yogendra Yadav

Television Studios


Specializes in
Dissecting India and Indians in to microscopic Communities, sub Communities, Castes, Sub Castes, Sub Sub Castes and so on and on…
Drawing conclusions and presenting figures in such a way that you end up more confused than ever with a sinking feeling that we all are any thing but INDIANS.

Feeds On
Elections and sponsored surveys for and on behalf of influential “Secular, Liberal, Progressive” media houses and political parties.

Advocating reservation everywhere and anywhere.

Suave, Articualte, Charming and Pleasantly presentable.

Considering that he has been selected to advise the panel by none other than Our Able and Most Secular among the “Secularists” Shri Shri Arjun Singh Sahib’s ministry, His “secular” credentials are more impeccable even if we are not too sure about his Academic credentials.

In this light I find it not so difficult to guess what he is going to write/tell and our young children shall read.

1.Before Gujarat No riots ever took place. It all started when BJP assumed power. We all were living in “communal Peace and Harmony” till these “communal” forces took over and destroyed the “social and secular fabric”.

2.Godhra? What happened there? After all those were Hindus and worst, Ram Bakhts, they committed mass suicide, is as simple as that. See Banerjee report attested by “Secular” Lalu and Left. And if you need any further evidence “Secular media” is around to sermonize you.

3.1984,Sikh massacre were the spontaneous reaction of the Indira' admirers. Congress had no role to play.

4.Emergency! Well this was the most glorious period in Indian History. Remember trains used to run on time. Discpline was maintained in the Govt offices. Schoolteachers dutifully achieved their targets for “nasbandi”. So what if all opposition was jailed or press was gagged or...this all was done to save Indira oops...India.

5.Ayodhya, BJP politics. What right do the Hindus have to claim this place as Lord Ram's birthplace? Do they carry his birth certificate duly attested by Rishi Balmiki? Babar was a Muslim invader thus "secular” Ram was "Communal”. We are "secular" Nation and therefore Hindu, Hindi, Hindustan are the dirty words.

6.All these Bomb Blasts and terrorism are the handiwork of RSS and Bajrangies.They assume Muslim names and carry out these activities to malign Muslims. Islam is a religion of peace after all. So what, if they are at loggerheads with every one and any one, anywhere and everywhere on this planet Earth. If not with others, than among themselves.

7.I shall not be surprised if Hindu Kashmiri Pandits, Operation Blue Star, Creation Of Bhinderwala (Akali-Congress-Politics-Frankestien) Kanpore, Bhagalpur riots do not find any mention. Even if they do, will be conveniently blamed on the RSS.

8.Kandhar surrender was the worst as we released three terrorists as ransom against the lives of some 200 passengers of ill-fated IC814.Did you ask about RUBIHYA SAEED d/o Mufti Md. Saeed episode? So what, then we released terrorists as ransom after all it was a matter of great concern to Mr.Saeed (who also happened to be Home Minister as well) and a “secular” govt was in power. Co…me on, do not kid us, a very small sacrifice at the altar of “secularism”.


Long lives “Secularism”.


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