
A Prudent Option For The President

A Prudent Option For The People’s President?

Our honorable “PARLIAMENTARIANS” have again cleared the controversial Office of Profit Bill despite the President’s advice/caution.

The Bill, as it is, is against the very nature and spirit of the Consititution, worst is the way it has been pushed again. These worthy are behaving as if they have some divine right to do what ever they wish to save the skin of their fellow travelers. This move is nothing but an arrogant show of power. This is to tell the entire constitutional bodies that “We are Supreme” do not mess with us. Message is clear any law, morality, responsibility, accountability are for you, lesser mortals, we are the chosen people and these words mean nothing to us. This is an audacious move to impose their authority and all this is being done in the name of US, We the people of India. As a concerned citizen this is the nightmare I always dreaded.

Is this what is being called as “Peoples Democracy”? I have been cautioning for long that a day will come when immunity is granted to MP/MLAs for crimes like rape/murder etc. should the govt. of the day is threatened with loosing power. Who and How will they be stopped? Honorable Speaker Sir is, rightly, concerned about the dignity of the house yet we have not heard his “considerate opinion” on the subject till date. Madame Sonia Mata Ji…oops, sorry Sonia Gandhi, such a “TYAG MOORTI”(twice, not once she has shown the world how to tyag, you folks remember?)Cannot convince all these popular leaders (who stand to loose seats) are beyond my comprehension. I am equally baffled by the insistence of these (could have been)’s concern about not facing the electorate again. The fictitious argument forwarded is that nation cannot beer the expenses of reelections. May I ask when Sonia Mata Ji, in her TYAG EPISODE No.2, could force Amethi people back in to polling booths then why the others are chickening out? And if this is to save us from “communal” Govt., then God Help Us.

ALAS! This will not happen! After all I am talking about, you all know, WHAT and WHO.

That leaves us at your doorsteps MR. PRESIDENT.

I am no Constitutional expert neither I claim to be a self righteous, moralistic, maroon nor I posses the right (or left) credentials to be called an “intellectual” and, yes, by no means I am associated with RSS or BJP, am a simple man who pays taxes in time and in full. Celebrate when India wins. Seethe in anger (Often impotent rage) when my countrymen, women and children are blown in to pieces.

If you want to know me then let me name myself as “MUSSIDI LAL”. Period…

His Excellency, The President Of India, Sir may I humbly request you to choose an option which is purely in your hands, and that is to RESIGN GRACEFULLY WITH OUT SIGNING THIS BILL. Be mindful of the following reasons…
. Respected Sir your term ends by another 12 months.
. You offended Sonia by not swearing her as Pm and she had to do”Tyag”. Congressmen/women are very unforgiving when it comes to the “FAMILY”, Sir you might not know the fate of Kesri and Narsimha Rao.
. This Government shall not reelect you for the second term.
. You were opposed when you were chosen to head us as The President, by the left and they are unfortunitaly/fortunitaly are the main protagonists.
. Respected Sir, this country needs more Kalams Like you and we all fear loosing an ICON as great as you. (Excuse me, if I go over board). You have been so humble and intelligent and we all, WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, admire, look forward to you as a source of inspiration. Which is indisputably, you deserve Sir.
. Please do not be a party to this fraud on the nation.
We all, even a small kid in class 2nd, know your constraints as per constitution; still you can exercise the option you have.

Respected Sir it is neither escapism nor defeatism it is beating the system as I understand from my humble knowledge of management.

This is the one weapon, if used, shall be the great service to the nation, which is called INDIA. And the whole nation shall, forever be indebted to Dr.Kalam as THE PRESEDINT OF INDIA, who delivered us from this malaise forever.

Respected Sir,
It is your privilege to exercise the power, discreation of right or wrong and as stated above this is just my humble opinion or the option I would have opted for, given the situation you are in, nevertheless, in humble opinion I believe that you still have an option.

With Very Warm Regards,
Prudent Indian

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