
POPE & “ The Sword of Islam”.

POPE & “ The Sword of Islam”.
Papa Don’t Preach?

I have been consciously trying to avoid commenting on this very sensitive and controversial issue, since it broke out. I feel that I am not competent enough and further I too, like so many others who have been commenting, know very little about the whole subject. So I decided to stay away, and I am staying away.

HOWEVER, I am quite amused by the way “ Secular, Liberal media” and the “secular” brigade has taken the whole issue. Two great religions Islam and Christianiy, both “secular” are debating an issue with the “secular” media caught in between. I can sense how they wish that a HINDU priest had said it THAN POPE; they would have been more comfortable, infact delighted is the right word. After all HINDUS are “communal”. What a screaming headline would have been then” COMMUNAL, FUNDAMENTALIST, FASCISTS, DIVISIVE, INHUMAN ETC.” LAUNCHES AN ATTACK ON THE “MINORITIES”.

Absolutely? “Politically Correct”.

How the “secular industry” would have loved it! An issue so Dear to “them”.
After all rozi roti ka sawal hai bhai.

Just imagine, what would have happened?
Had it been…

1.Narrender MODI?Remember the way in which the “media” and “secularists” had reacted when he merely mentioned then CEC as James Michael Lyndough.

2.Praveen Togadia?Would have been hanged by NOW.

3.RSS or VHP or BAJRANG DAL?What more the “secularist” could have asked for?

4.Had the POPE said something about “HINDUATAVA” instead of ISLAM?He, THE POPE would have been appreciated for his “objectivity, insight etc.”.

5.How would the protesters have been labeled?Though, HINDUS as a community would have reacted just the way Muslims are reacting the world over- I DOUBT VERY MUCH- yet would have been seen as “FASCISTS”.

Thinking all that could have been, all the possibilities, I am glad that IT DID NOT HAPPEN.

I AM PROUD TO BE An INDIAN first and then HINDU.

And this has dampened the spirits of “secularists”. Celebrated stars and a “self promoting bastard, and successful too”, NGO’s, Documentry filmmakers, TEESTA’s of the word, sad day for you????
Sorry folks.

Just as I am Proud to be an INDIAN HINDU, at the same time I feel sad that the “political correctness” of the “media” and “secularists” force them to label ME, as COMMUNAL…


To quote Swami Vivekanand Ji from his speech made at the parliament of religions in Chicago in 1893.Swami Ji said… “The Christian is not to become a Hindu or Buddhist nor a Hindu or Buddhist to become a Christian, but each must assimilate the spirit of the other and yet preserve his individuality”. He asked every one “…to help and not fight, assimilate and not destroy to ensure harmony and peace and not dissension.”

This is the SECULARISM I want “WE” to understand.
Each and every religion is GREAT, and I (as a HINDU) respect the rights of their followers to practice it the way they want. However each religion evolved over the time. Many of the religions, Hinduism and Christianity especially, got rid of many things, which were not recommendable for the modern time. Such as SATI, CHILD MARRIAGE, INEQUILITY, SEX DISCRININATION etc. were discarded from our HINDU religion. Because Hindus like, Swami Vivakanand, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Sant Jyoti Bha Phule, Swami Dayanand Sarswati and many many more took pains to reform the society. And the reforms came from with in (from with in the community). So did Christianity do away with many Victorian era practices? Because questions were asked and answered, debated and discussed as it is the only solution.

But Islam has not done much debating, (each time some one, any one for that matter starts a debate, the voice is tried to be silenced by the sheer mob fury and violence) leave alone reforms.

I suppose the absolute finality of the HOLY Quran and unquestioning surrender of faithful makes it difficult to debate first and if at all. And this is what ALL Papa POPE is asking for.

So we witness the outrage, each time they are questioned.

This perhaps is not advisable for any one in general and for followers of ISLAM in particular when most of the terrorists have Muslim sounding names, if not “MUSLIMS”.

Mean time,
Anil Joshi


Why Should SONIA and PM sing Vande Mataram?WHY?WHY?

Why should have SONIA JI and PM sung Vande Mataram? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?
On Sept.7th, School, my children go to, organized a mass gathering for celebrating and singing Vande Mataram.What I felt after singing with the children, teachers, parents cannot be expressed in any words. Divine I suppose. However, as I reached home and switched on my TV set I heard the news that both REVERNED SONIA JI and HONORABLE Prime Minister did not attend the function organized by the CONGRESS. My reaction was initially anger…then dismay………and finally frustration.
Surely they could have, honestly they should have.

Not sure of what made these two worthies to abstain I started to look for a Congress wala or wali. First they were not around but I kept on looking; after much hard scouting I found one who avoided me like PLAGUE. But my persistence paid and after two cups of tea he just blasted. This is what he said.

“We all are very angry that you are asking a question that has no meaning. They did not sing and so many others like our secular and faithful VOTERS. You communal, fascists have made such a political issue out of it. Shame on you!

You people communalize each and every issue. Nationalism is the issue you communalists say, OK fine, what is Nationalism? If it means being loyal to your motherland/provider than both of them are, you folks both of them are.

How? You asked! Silly Communalist! Let we all enlightened and “secular” explain.
Nationalism is praising the MOTHERLAND and SHE DID PRAISE HER MOTHERLAND (INDIA is an adopted country only). Sasural is not motherland at any rate ask any one.

You guys are so narrow-minded and said all those nasty things because “Q” got his “earned” money back. WILL YOU NOT HELP YOUR FELLOW COUNTRY MEN? COMMUNALISTS are those who ask, we despise communalist.

You dare ask about the PM (now which one? we have so many), all right you mean Dr.PM? Such a good man and such an “eminent” economist, no matter you have been paying thrice the prices comparing during communalists regime, nevertheless he is an “eminent economist”. PERIOD. And as for the Vande Mataram, “PROVIDENCE” clause is applicable. As motherland provides with her benevolence to all of us lesser mortals, so all the good things by SONIA MAA to the PM.And does he not offer his prayers to her?


And now you ask where was the COULD HAVE BEEN PRIME MINISTER @ 25 SHRI RAHAUL GANDHI JI, lay off man. He might have been busy with BRAZILLIAN friends (so now we understand, why the Honorable PM is keen on going there than UN general assembly meet).”

After that He ran away and I have yet to meet him again.

Now seriously a look at the excuses offered by the Congress.

Excuse No.1
She was unwell.
Really? And PM too? Strange coincidence!
Excuse No.2
It was a Seva Dal (?) program and she was not invited.
If any body who wants us to believe this is either too naive or too clever.
Excuse No.3
Security was the issue so she could not attend.
Fake again. The function could have easily been conducted at anywhere else. After all Sonia Ji do attend functions.
And any way I strongly feel that our all leaders who call themselves as mass and popular leaders should be seen with public. Since they are so popular who would like to harm them?

And just now (as I m punching my key board) I heard them saying that all this 7th.September Vande Mataram hype was wrong. The Hindustan Times today quotes Shri Janardan Dwivedi “Due to some reason, a mistake was made and we admit it”.
Else where I read that now Congress is planning to take refuge in Mahatma Gandhi and plans to pitch against Vande Mataram.

Mahatma Gandhi VS. Vande Mataram?
Very grave injustice to both of them. Let me warn Congress friends you are again making a MISTAKE. A VERY BIG MISTAKE.

Vande Mataram

With warm Regards.


Dear Friends,
Many of you complained that I have been neglecting my blog for long,which is right.I had sent you the link for my new blog @ NDTV.Which I am happy to convey that the blog @ NDTV not only picked up but has been going great.Your truly has been on the popularity chart and is at SECOND POSITION among the most popular.Please check the link.
As for this Blog I promise you that this too will be updated regularly.
Keep Loving.
With very warm
Anil Joshi.

Vande Mataram

There they go again. We will not sing, they say.

Fine says Arjun what else I wanted? After all I am the Greatest Secular among SECULARISTS, (whispers…doing me a great service if you do not sing, should I not have been the PM? Look what u got, a PM????? Does he look like one? Hhehehhehehhehhehehe -oooh, I m still holding my stomach but who cares?

The scene shifts to…

Is Desh Mein Rahana Hai to Vande Mataram Gana Hai.

Move On to Gopal Bhavan…

Humm…. mmmm…mmmm

Shall decide when we have a joint bureau meeting, then we all communists shall sit and decide to decide to form a committee who will then decide .We all shall march to BalliDaan Devi, ranting and raving then shall have Idli and Dosa and yes, fish is the excellent and then endorse “no trucks with communalists baki sab jayen bhaad mein”. BTW we are secular and you all know it.

Let us go to THE 7RCR

Oye! Main ki karan? Mainu pata nahin. Madame noo phone laggao tey puchoo, Eay kkeda nava panga paa dita hai? Oye, Arjun Singha kaddooon pichha chadenga yaar? Taang kar dita hai bhai tu.Ek sayapa muukda nahin te dujja paa dena hain yaar.Magooran ley.

Now we are at 10,Janpsath waiting for the Madam’s dog or whoever even if it could just wage its tail in our direction we all shall be “EXCLUSIVELY BREAKING NEWS” and then we all will get the message and interpret it the way we want to drawing conclusions for the benefit of BILLION strong nations.

There she comes-another one yells, focus on me, I just happened to saw the madam’s Dupatta-another channel, Breaking NEWS MADAME SAYS we all are Italians………ooops.. Indians and talk to our media managers.

There comes the “media managers”.
A “secular, liberal and progressive lady in green and the estranged brother of her HAZIIR HOO!!!!!
They go inside and the noble lady obliges them with interviews dutifully changing Saris first Green and then Saffron.

And we the people of India Really are we?
Before answering to your self please consider the following from my earlier post.

Dissecting India and Indians in to microscopic Communities, sub Communities, Castes, Sub Castes, Sub Sub Castes and so on and on…
Drawing conclusions and presenting figures in such a way that you end up more confused than ever with a sinking feeling that we all are any thing but INDIANS.

NEVERTHEELESS, Come maybe what I with my family ought to sing…

vande maataraM
sujalaaM suphalaaM malayaja shiitalaaM sasyashyaamalaaM maataraM shubhrajyotsnaa pulakitayaaminiiM pullakusumita drumadala shobhiniiM suhaasiniiM sumadhura bhaashhiNiiM sukhadaaM varadaaM maataraM koTi koTi kaNTha kalakalaninaada karaale koTi koTi bhujai.rdhR^itakharakaravaale abalaa keno maa eto bale bahubaladhaariNiiM namaami taariNiiM ripudalavaariNiiM maataraM tumi vidyaa tumi dharma tumi hR^idi tumi marma tvaM hi praaNaaH shariire

namaami kamalaaM amalaaM atulaaM sujalaaM suphalaaM maataraM shyaamalaaM saralaaM susmitaaM bhuushhitaaM dharaNiiM bharaNiiM maataraM

Bharat Mata Ki Jai Ho
Vishwa Ka Kkalyann Ho
Shatruon Ka Naash Ko

Garv se kaho Hum Hindusatani.

Secularism: The Biggest threat to India.

Admittedly my opening statement will shock most of you. I know what you might think, my being the most politically Incorrect in this fashionable age of being “politically correct”. Nevertheeless I stick to my guns and even at the risk of being labeled, as “communal” honestly want to open debate on the subject.

Let me put the record straight, I am not writing any thing, which has been debated so many times, and by so many people that after cricket this is the one another topic every body is equally an expert as any one else. There is a virtual “secular” industry thriving on this subject. And many of them are now “emenient”journalists, politicians of all hues and colors, intellengestia, groups etc. And I am not part of any of them.

For me, to begin with, the very word “secular” is an alien word. It is a word or “ism” invented by few very intelligent people. This word is used very selectively and this “ism” is an infinitely elastic. As I see it this has divided the society in to two. Secular and Communal. You or me are either one or the other. There are no middle grounds. And most interestingly it is the “secularists” who posses the knowledge and wisdom to decide .If they admit you in your elite club then you are “secular” and if you question them, howsoever rational your are, are labeled “communal”.

Once again with out going in to the often-repeated words like minioritism, appeasement, terrorism, history writings etc. I ask after all what have we achieved being “secular”?

-Partition of India? May Be. Our great leaders then decided to assimilate the other group in to the main stream and they (Muslim League) wanted concessions then more then more, and being secular we met the demands one by one in our zeal to be “secular” and ultimately they wanted a separate state and we obliged after paying a very heavy price.

-Division of the society? Definitely Yes. Rather than uniting the society it has divided the society more. The glasses we wear, Secular or Communal, are viewing every thing and any thing. Irrespective of the issue the focus almost always shifts to it being “secular” or “communal”. Even the issues like Nationalism and terrorism are weighed on the scale of “secularism” and “communalism”.

-Betrayal of democracy? Yes. We are proud of being a Democracy. If democracy mean only, conducting regular elections and transfer of power with out blood shed. Then we are. But if it means involvement of people and raising their issues then, are we? What we have in the name of democracy is a shrewd combination and permutation of electoral mathematics. And the root of “secularism” lies in this electoral mathematics.

We hail the “secularism” when we see our Noble Ministers in the company of an Osama look-alike during election campaigns. We hail “secularism” by refusing to accept most (almost?) Islamic terrorists are carrying out terror acts. Our “secularism” restricts us to celebrate and pay respect to our national Heros, symbols, culture etc.

It was “secularism” which gave us the govt, we rightly deserve. United Progressive Alliance (UPA). Only adhesive which keeps them together is “secularism”. Have a look please…

Mr. Prime Minister

@Mercy of the QUEEN

C/o. Reverential Karat ji, Yechuri Ji, DassGupta Ji, BasuDev Ji, Paswan Ji, Soren Ji, Ramdoos Ji, Asali Pm Ji, Nakali Pm Ji, Super Pm Ji, Could have been Pm @ 25 Shri Rahul Ji, Priyanka Ji, Robert Ji, Arjun Ji, Should Have been PM Ji (Pranab Mukherjee Ji) and lest I forget, SADHU Ji And his JIJA JI. (Unqualified apologies for any name inadvertently left out).

We thank all of you Oh! all noble ladies and Gentlemen from delivering us from the clutches of “communal” forces. All other issues like safety and security, poverty, National pride, economic growth, infrastructure etc.are sacrificed at the altar of “secularism”. Thanks Again?

This is precisely where we are after practicing “secularism”.

Now if I feel that this “secularism” is the biggest threat to our country it is for the same reasons stated above.

But the debate has started and I expect you to enlighten me more on the subject. All and any views are most welcome.


Anil Joshi

Originall published on my blog @ NDTV.
6:15:13 PM


Vande Mataram

All right I ask THEM Don’t Sing Vande Mataram. Fine?
Then what NEXT?

What if you refuse to pay respect to the National Flag? NOT AT ALL you say! Convince us that no “secularist” will find or invent fault, even if none exists. As they have found this time when the “secular” Nehru and Maullana Azad and of-course, the forgotten Hero Neta Ji Subash Chandra Bose settled the issue and the GEET was adopted.
Please do not sing Vande Mataram, by all means, if it hurts your religious feelings. After all it is the religion first for you than the Nation.
But, pause and ponder, are you not suggesting that Islam is such a fragile faith? That it is always in danger by such an innocent and patriotic song and such other things. If this is untrue then what else all this ranting and ravings suggests?
On Sunday I happened to hear what our Honorable minister of state for home affairs Shri. Jai Prakash Jaiswal said about the whole issue, it appeared to me that more than Muslims it is the Congress who is against the Muslims to sing Vande Mataram. Nevertheless, if you still insist that you will not sing. Don’t sing.

What next then?
Jan Gana Man…? After all it too is in the honor of some one else than (*) ALLAH. Why is singing the GAAN not anti Islamic?

Constitution? Is it not against Shariya? After all you are supposed to be governed by the SHARIYA (Holy laws laid by the Prophet). Therefore believing in MAN WRITTEN/DRAWN laws, are not anti religion of yours????

The national emblem is taken from Sarnath Pillar of a HINDU Raja, The Ashoka The Great. So will you refuse to recognize it? And of course our national emblem is inscribed with the word “SATYAMEY JAYETA” in Devnagari script. Is this not, too against your religion and faith?

National Bird
Is the PEACOCK not closely associated with the Lord Krishna? Do you accept this beautiful bird as being “secular”? Is it not anti your religion that is “secular” and peace loving?

National Animal
Is the TIGER not recognized with MAA DURGA? Again, Tiger is anti Islam?

Last but not least…
Is it not your religious duty to annihilate all the NON-BELIEVERS (Kafirs)????????????

This all may look trivializing the issue and downrightly STUPID. And so it is.

But, the way and the arguments which are being advanced against the singing of Vande Matram by our “secular” brigade, the day is not far off when all the above will be opposed on one or another ground. Equalley sure I am that the “secular” brigade is so “intelligent” and its “eminent” scholars shall come out with startling facts and theories proving that who believe in all the above are “communal” and the “minority” community should be exempted from all this as “their religious feelings get hurt”.

Dear friends when as a kid my grand parents used to tell me the stories of Pre-Partition cunnings by Muslim League and compromises after compromises made by our great leaders then, I considered them “prejudiced”.

Today I feel sad that I didn’t believe them then. As we all see today, they were right?

Anil Joshi

(*) This is a very litigious issue therefore, cannot comment or discuss.