
Hang Afzal and his Cohorts too.

Hang Afzal and his Cohorts too.
Let me start by saying that I have no sympathies for Afzal or for any of his Cohorts. Any body who advocates Clemency for him and alike is committing a crime against my Motherland and in my eyes is as big a traitor as Afzal.

Afzal has committed a crime, which has no parallels in the History of Independent India. The attack on the Parliament was not any another attack on the India. This was an attack on the Nation; it’s people, its very idea of existence. Afzal deserves the punishment awarded and there for pleading on his behalf is tantamount to be his accomplice in crime. Afzal will be executed and done with, but what about his Cohorts? Afzal and those killed could not have planned the attack; certainly the magnitude and the scale required much more meticulous planning and resources. There must have been the active and tacit support from others too, and they are free! S.A.R Gillani is one such man, true he has been acquitted by the Supreme Court, but with a stinging observation against him. Millions like me still believe that he is guilty and the case should be reopened.

India has been a victim of terrorism for more than two decades and has suffered and lost many valuable lives and huge losses at the hands of these terrorists. Now, what makes the attack on the Parliament as the most diabolical, atrocious and heinous? The attack on the parliament is all the above and much more for two reasons…
1.It was not attack on the Individuals nor it was an attack on any building. It was an attack on the India. The very existence of the idea called India, its people, and unflinching faith of the Indians in the system called Democracy. We all the people of India know that there are many things which need to be corrected about the parliamentary system, yet democracy is the best and the only hope for the Billion Plus Nation. Attack on the Parliament was an attack on the billion plus people of India.

2.This attack brought the two Nuclear powers on the brink of war. This war could have been the most catastrophic for the innocent millions on both sides of the dividing line.

For these two reasons the Death Sentence awarded to Afzal is apporiate, if not less. And all efforts should be made to punish all those suspected to have any link, inspite of their acquittal on technical grounds.

No body in his right senses would argue for the Clemency for Afzal, yet we have many among us, and who these people are…
-Muftis, both father and daughter is in the forefront advocating for the DEVIL. Given their track record, I am not surprised at all. Do not forget that this great Mr.Mufti, ex CM J & K had released dreaded terrorist as ransom against Rubiya Saeed, his daughter, when he was the Union Home Minister in the V.P.Singh’s government. These worthies are dolling out the fictions that since the peace process is on with Pakistan, Afzals execution will send wrong signals.
Pray, tell me peace process with whom? Pakistan? The fountainhead of all the terrorism! And what are those wrong signals?

-Those in the fray to save Afzal form the Gallows is our Honorable Chief Minister of J and K, Shri Gulam Nabi Azad, his argument is since Oct.20th.happens to coincide with a sacred day according to Islam so his execution be commuted to life term.

What more is expected from these petty politicians who just cannot think beyond the next elections.

And as it always happen neither adorable PM nor the omniscient Sonia Madame has any guts to express their considered opinions. Vote bank is more precious to them than the honor and dignity of the Nation.

Why to blame political class alone. Equally responsible are the “secular brigade” and “liberals”. These are the people who provide the spacious ideological arguments supporting terrorism. Human rights activists get charged up as and when a Terrorist is apprehended and tried in any court of law. These are the people who will ask you to look for “root cause”, imageniary “alienation of minorities”,” poverty” and blah, blah…

These apologists for terror have no sense for crime and justice. The message should be loud and clear to all those who threaten India’s democracy and its essential freedom, that they will be annihilated.

Send Afzal to gallows. His departure will not be mourned. After Afzals departure go after his cohorts and hang them too.


Anil Joshi


Prudent Indian said...

Dear Friends,here are the comments recieved at NDTV Blog.
4:35:41 PM
Posted By Anil joshi | Comments (119) | Politics

Sriniwasan.G Monday, October 2, 2006 4:59:23 PM
i agree,no sympathies for these SOBs.I demand a public execution.

Shankar Aaggarwal Monday, October 2, 2006 5:16:35 PM
hang him and his friends,all those who support afzal should be hanged along with him.good riddance

divine Islam Monday, October 2, 2006 5:23:43 PM
Why should the peace process be derailed?Executing Afzal will not serve any purpose.

Kewal Monday, October 2, 2006 5:31:47 PM
I agree with you Anil.we should not be soft on terror and the message should be stern and straight to these terrorists.

kulumani Monday, October 2, 2006 5:39:52 PM
Hang Afzal and after he is declared dead,go after Gulam nabi,Mufti and his daughter.File a case against them for supporting a criminal who tried to shake the nucleus of democracy and its pillars.In the name of Ramzan, Afzal should be pardoned and that is what Mr.Gulam Nabi opines.Is Mr. Gulam Nabi an Indian or pakistani?These question will arise in everyone's mind.No right thinking politicians will utter such words as done by GulamNabi.It is proven fact no politician thinks the right way.But Gulam Nabi has chosen the extreme path.

chetan Rathi Monday, October 2, 2006 7:32:53 PM
Agreed hang him so that no one dare to attack our countries symbol of unity.

Denedra Gahlot Monday, October 2, 2006 8:22:18 PM
Hang these terrorists and go after his friends.This nation does not belong to traitors.
Take his political mentors in to jail and let amilitary court decide what to do with them.

Ruchi khanna Tuesday, October 3, 2006 8:41:15 AM
No mercy should be shown to these terrorists.This will send wrong signals.PM should come out and put a gag on the mouth of these so called leaders.If they don't lock them up.

Sunil Nanda Tuesday, October 3, 2006 8:46:31 AM

feroz Tuesday, October 3, 2006 8:47:58 AM
Hang him and his cohorts,no mercy for the merciless.

true marxist Tuesday, October 3, 2006 9:21:07 AM
Poverty and unequality is the problem against all sort of expliotation,this breeds dissent resulting in millitancy.
one or two hangings will not serve any purpose and hnaging Afzal is loaded with communalism.Hindu communal fanatics like anil are more dangerous to the secular fabric of our society than possible genuine grievances of misguided youth like afzal.

Raghav Govind Wednesday, October 4, 2006 8:44:16 AM
All those seeking clemency for Afzal are traitors themselves and should be hanged with Afzal.

amitav Wednesday, October 4, 2006 8:46:30 AM
Hang this "true marxist" with Afzal.
All others who oppose hanging of terrorist should be hanged along.

Nishat Khalid Wednesday, October 4, 2006 8:52:44 AM
Hanging is no solution.Let us understand the problem and the root causes for why the youth turn to millantancy.

Manveer Wednesday, October 4, 2006 8:58:27 AM
Gulam is Pakistan spy and Muftis are Paki Agents.Why go further Hang them first.
Manmohan is a man without spine and Sonia is KGB agent,lock them up and court martial them.
Bring Narrender Modi to centre and see the results.Islamist terrorism will run away like a scared dog with its tail between hind limbs.
Throw out Sonia,Manmohan and Marxists in to deep sea.

YaveshRana Wednesday, October 4, 2006 9:18:41 AM

Divya Wednesday, October 4, 2006 9:29:49 AM
True that holding an opposite view is not becoming traitor.I agree.PERIOD.
but holding a brief for terrorist?
Is it not being anti national.
as for writing from AC rooms,do we or anil are less patroitic?
If the scale of measuring patratiosm is going to Siachin then,MAN, siachim will not afford the weight of 1250 million people(discount 150 million MUSLIMS if you please).

YaveshRana Wednesday, October 4, 2006 9:47:54 AM
Dear Divya,
I'm not holding brief for Afzal. Hang Him If u want to but i 'm against the capital punishment, whoever, he is. But Joshi 'N' U want to hang every one Who do not agree with u. This is what I strongly protest. U R not India, Miss Divya , And nor I am a Muslim, if u please. know ur facts. What 1250 millions?

YaveshRana Wednesday, October 4, 2006 9:53:03 AM
Dear Divya,
Read the opening Paragraph of Joshi. He wants to hang every one who does not hold the same views. IS HE INDIA? Know ur facts, dear. What Is 1250 millions? Indian Population is still 1100 millions- all inclusive. Why would u excl Muslim? Are they less patriotic? or u thought I were a Muslim. SHAME.

Gurdeep Tuli Wednesday, October 4, 2006 10:05:07 AM
The Highest court of the Country has awarded the punishment to the guilty and we in all sincerity must respect the judiciary. HANG THE MAN, RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAYHEM, HE HAD CAUSED.

But at the same time, punish the rioters too, who using their nos. kill innocents in rioting that produces terrorists as a common man is compelled to take the law in its own hands, when he sees that perpetrators of crime going unpunished.

This aspect must not be overlooked, if lasting peace is required by the society.

vk Wednesday, October 4, 2006 10:20:24 AM
Yavesh Rana,

Why can't you realise the fact that Afzal and his cohorts tried to attack our parliament, Which represents the entire population of India. Why can't you realise that it tantamounts to wage a war aginst all Indians. He has done a crime and the law has the punishment for it. You dont belive in the court of law and its verdict. Nor dont u understand the extent of crime, Afzal has committed. Politicians, dont play silly politics. President, dont show mercy to the killers of our country. Love India, Care for it. Be brave enough to hold the pride of the nation.

manish1957 Wednesday, October 4, 2006 10:23:44 AM
Hang Afzal for what he could not do, he failed to blow up the parliament, Indian Parliament is today dominated by criminals, petty policiand, scoundrals. If Afzal could have succeeded, it would have brought great releif to the country and its people. At least country could have been short by 1000 criinals who are members of Parliaments, on whom Indian Govt spends about Rs 800 cr per annum

YaveshRana Wednesday, October 4, 2006 10:44:20 AM
Dear VK,
I'm not talking about AFZAL: I'm only talking about capital punishment. If u think u can end crime & terrorism by hanging criminals, i'm all with u. But JOSHI N his hate brigade want to declare everyone a 'TRAITOR' who holds views opposite to him. read his opening paragraph. READ HIM DEAR.

seema Friday, October 6, 2006 6:58:31 PM
I see hatred against muslims here and not just one Afzal. I guess Divya's comments prove that. Learn to respect the sentiments and value of human life. Get the religious crap out of your educated brains and think like a human being, not like a Hindu or Muslim. Afzal was not properly represented in the court and we do not know what happened in his life. He too has family just all of us. As Yavesh said, if hanging him can end terrorism, then I'm all for it to sacrifice one life for the sake of many others. If not then let's act sane and being forgiving does not hurt your pride at all!!

amused Saturday, October 7, 2006 1:55:24 PM
To Yavesh rana, Marxist, seema & other like minded
U R against Afzal's sentence, U R against military action on terrorism, U R against Hinduism,
what u r in favour is:
in favour of converting entire hindus into fundamental Jihadi muslims
in favour more Afzals in Delhi University & JNU
demolition of more temples, not only in J&K but also other parts of india
love towards those muslims who always support Ladens, Talibans, Musharafs & hate vandemataram, hinduism.
Particularly tu Yaveshrana, people like U R more dangerous than many jihadis, bcos, a terrorist can kill some hundreds but people like u in the disguise of secularism, can drive laksh of muslims towards terrorism by shouting that something very injustice is done to the Muslims, where as it is vice versa in relation to Hindus.

aniljoshi Saturday, October 7, 2006 7:11:21 PM
Thank you friends for keeping the debate alive.I beg you pardom for not participating as had been too busy in the paint work going on for Diwali.
Shall try to answer as many as asked.
anil joshi

Ketki Dave Saturday, October 7, 2006 7:40:27 PM
Do we need terrorists in jails as another ransom for potential highjackers?
anil you are right hang them by NECK TILL DEAD.

uzamma Saturday, October 7, 2006 8:41:47 PM

Jatin Kapoor Saturday, October 7, 2006 8:56:24 PM
Would have killed with my bare hands,Uzamma.

iyerrc Saturday, October 7, 2006 9:10:06 PM
Uzamma,y u think we are jobless?when all we wanted to do was express our opinion.Consider this had this act happened in middle east what would have happened.U wouldnt bother? because you are here in the greatest democracy which is striving to practice it and give an oppurtunity to the criminal.Because you know u re safe u re able to get away expressing your views.which would nt be so were you in those mid east islamic countries.

premanand Saturday, October 7, 2006 10:15:33 PM
Its not hanging him for death. But think of the persons who had died for no reason of thiers. What you will say for the lives which had been lost for saving the highest symbol of democracy. Is it right. If it is right then the punishment given to him i also right. Every action has a eqaul and opposite reaction.Mere sympathies by words can help the families of the brave people who had tried to save our parliment.If some one does the same act to our families we will keep quite.

sarkarsubroto Sunday, October 8, 2006 5:15:02 PM
It is becoming again an issue of Hindu Muslim. For Gods sake please stop this. Afjal was a part of a conspiracy. It has been proved in the court of law. He was given enough chances to prove his innocence by appointing good lawyers. Our honorable Supreme Court has weighed all pros and cons and then given judgment. Judges sitting there are all human and as such all angels were considered before pronouncement. Therefore shredding crocodile tears is of no use. Gulam nabi and Mufti is giving statement only to save themselves from wrath of terrorist and nothing else. Afjal family is taking a stance showing his wife and son .When Afjal himself ignored them while taking part in the operation what is the point in showing sympathy. HE MUST BE HANGED.

Prabhakar Sunday, October 8, 2006 6:43:00 PM
Above post right you are Hindu or Muslim must be hanged.

ruchiv Sunday, October 8, 2006 7:27:47 PM
All terrorist should be hanged.,whatever their religion is.No mercy for them.

Jagjit Khullar Sunday, October 8, 2006 7:46:19 PM
Hang him and his partners in crime too.

bubbles Sunday, October 8, 2006 7:53:34 PM
Mr President Sir,
It may be a good idea to bring Afzal's relatives, who are asking for mercy, face to face with the relatives of those who lost their lives due to this dastardly act. Lets see then how much gall, audacity his relatives have to still ask for mercy.

Sarthav Sunday, October 8, 2006 7:57:05 PM
Learn to live with pride.

feroz Sunday, October 8, 2006 8:00:50 PM
Kill one Afzal and more will be born.Afzal is right.

myview Sunday, October 8, 2006 8:48:34 PM
COO@ngre$$want to win next election thats why it need mu$$lim vote thaey are $$$$ellingindia.

jay Sunday, October 8, 2006 8:51:46 PM
who is this this blogger called devinei$$lam guy?dont give this TIPIC@Lmu$lim bBBBl@ck-mail that hanging him will destr000y peace .Just because he is ur religion dont faver an enermy.Thsi si a good example of mu$$$$$$$$$$$$$limpeople they will make any excu$$e to destryp@ce process .this mu$limmmmm peopel want any excuses to beterrist.They are deep inside they don'th@ve toolerance with o000ther religion nothing futher truth than this

jay Sunday, October 8, 2006 8:52:21 PM
COO@ngre$$want to win next election thats why it need mu$$lim vote thaey are $$$$ellingindia.

jay Sunday, October 8, 2006 8:52:29 PM
yes hang them

Divya Monday, October 9, 2006 9:57:09 AM
seema Friday, October 6, 2006 6:58:31 PM

dear Seema,since you quoted me let me tell you Afzal has a family,fine,whose responsibility is his family.It is Afzals.Did he think about it before attacking parliament?NO. Then why should we bother it?

Afzal has a family you argue and yet you do not have tears for those brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives,and yes OF COURSE their family do not deserve human rights,IS THIS WHAT YOU SAY?

Stop fooling people with your "WASTED SENTIMENTS FOR TERRORISTS".

Ghanshayam Monday, October 9, 2006 10:06:08 AM

Nerru Chawala Monday, October 9, 2006 10:29:18 AM
Why are the so called "secular,liberal Muslims" are silent?Where are Javed Akhtars,Shabana and Bhatts?

S.Parekh Monday, October 9, 2006 10:43:54 AM
Why you Indian guys are so obsseive with securlarism when ever a Muslim Terrorist is involved?Probe hard and you will find that all these NGOs,Secularists,Human Right Activists get all their fundings from foriegn Govts.for saving terrorists.
Solution is simple,shoot a bullet in every terrorist's head.
No debate.

LOVE2SMILE Monday, October 9, 2006 11:08:32 AM
Uzamma what if you are one of the kins of the security personal killed in this terrorist act???????

excellent Monday, October 9, 2006 11:17:59 AM
he n his hriends should b hanged.no other punishiment is enough.

ravi Monday, October 9, 2006 12:00:54 PM
Whether terrorism, murder and rape or merely traffic enforcement, the experience is that wherever enforcement -i.e. rule of law is strictly enforced, violations come down. Thus Chennai City reduced road fatalaties by 46% in year 2003 againt the backdrop of increasing ehicle population. Dont miss the woods for the trees. It is a simple matter of UPHOLDING the law, impartially. Wealth, status or politics of the 'accused' is immaterial. Let us not confuse the issue. For ever 20% who will continue to do wrong, the other 80% are kept in check by detterents.

vinod Monday, October 9, 2006 12:06:37 PM
If azad want to pardon for the afzal then we hang the son of azad instead of afzal and other family members of other people who is against capital punishment of afzal we lost 13 great INDIAN so we want 13 people who is wasting the sacrifice of these great people.

Devi.D.R.G Monday, October 9, 2006 12:18:43 PM
Vinod though it seems too gingostaic,,still I feel u r right.

Dr.G.M.Diwadi Monday, October 9, 2006 12:38:47 PM
Do not hang them but just inject these fellows with some lethatl but slow virus and l3et them suffer in pain and agony they caused to many others.
Thanks Anil for highlighting the issue FORCEFULLY.
Dr. G.M.Diwadi

Yadukul Monday, October 9, 2006 12:55:22 PM
Public hanging is what i demand.
As you say Mr.Anil we should also hang all his cohorts (those involved then in the attack and now trying to save him now).
Brij Bhumi

Keshav Mistry Monday, October 9, 2006 5:07:03 PM
I see that even on this blog space there are certain elements who are trying to run down this post.They too in their naive idealism think that it is good thing to do.
Mean time anil,do not get tired this message should be read by all.And I agree with you and say HANG HIM AND HIS SUPPORTERS.
Keshav Mistry,

sv Monday, October 9, 2006 5:20:40 PM
yavesh Rana,

You are talking about capital punishment. Jus' remember for a moment as to what had happened in parliament attack. In the name of Jihad, people like Afzal KILL innocent people and our country's soldiers. And people like you will give them shelter in the name of 'Capital Punishment'. People like you will seek mercy for 'Afzals'. Afzals, in turn, hijack a flight and seek release of 'Afzals'. Govt. also in the name of appeasing the 'minorities' and also in the name of saving the citizens will release 'Afzals'. All these, i write based upon actual incidents. At all, why should these things happen? Let's all abide by the law of the country and its sovereignity. HANG AFZAL. I am awaiting 20th Oct, when AFZAL WILL BE HANGED.

SV Monday, October 9, 2006 5:25:48 PM

Had it been my brother or sister, i would have been the first person awaiting for this kind of the verdict by the court.

Country is the foremost. KILL AFZAL.

PREM KUMAR Monday, October 9, 2006 5:35:40 PM
manveer, you are a person with wise thoughts. Bring Narrender Modi to centre the nation will witness women are being raped, children are burnt alive , nuns are raped etc etc with police blessings. Terrorists like afzal grow in india as long as people like you supports modi. GOD save india.

Kalyan.m.Sabharwal Monday, October 9, 2006 7:06:34 PM
Dear Blogger,
I think you are right in demanding justice and equally exposing the hypocracy of this brigade of save afzal.It is afzal today and some one else tomarrow.As some one commented above my suspecion is now confirmen that all this save terrorist chaps are on the payrole of Pakistan or else why would seek mercy for a terrorist.

Harpreet Kaur Arora Monday, October 9, 2006 7:10:40 PM
It has been long time dear Anil and yet again I could not agree more.I endorse fully and join you and all the TRUE INDIANS in their demand that HANG HIM AND HIS COHORTS.
No Mercy as this will open a flood gate and be a victory for the enemies of INDIA.
May God give good sense to SONIA and the stoogie called PM(he shames me to be called a SARDARNI,once again shame on you manmohan).

Tuli.Kewal Monday, October 9, 2006 7:40:07 PM
Hang him and his supporters.

buster Monday, October 9, 2006 7:45:58 PM
Hang them BY NECK TILL DEAD and hang them in public,I agree with most of you that all those who are in favour of afzal should be hanged along.

X.x.XXXXX Monday, October 9, 2006 8:01:17 PM
I am a congress parliamentarin and not in favour of mercy.
Writing anonmously since Sonia will be angry.
VOTE is some thing and vote for whom sonia and her grandsons?but it is business and ..............
Bhai! socho! Bat bachaney do is salae ko yeh sardar marveya dega sonia bus sonia hai.

Dharam Aggarwal Monday, October 9, 2006 9:32:49 PM
Why are we discussing?Why do we not hang ?Supreme court is SUPREME and so is SONIA,agreed whosoever protest should be HANGED TOO.

Gravit Majamudaar Monday, October 9, 2006 9:42:05 PM
Just hang him and his friends.No debate.

पत्रकार बंधु Monday, October 9, 2006 9:42:33 PM
मुन्ना भाई दादागिरी से गांधीगिरी पर उतर जाए तो बात दमदार लगती है. औने-पौने मुन्ने गांधी की बातें करें तो बकवास लगती है. इसलिए हिम्मत से आतंकवाद का मुक़ाबला करो और चूड़ियां पहनकर शांति की बात करने से कुछ हासिल नहीं होगा. उल्टे हम देशवासी यूं ही जूते खाते घूमते रहेंगे. मैं जोशी जी की बात से सहमत हूं.

debashis Monday, October 9, 2006 9:44:47 PM
dear Afzal sympathisers,
I dare you guys go and stand in border where our brave soliders are guarding our country. where they lay there lives so that we can live in indipendent India. and can live peacefully. Just face the bullet once, I can bet you guys will have loose motions or will urinate in your pants. Go and face the securities gaurd families if you have the guts to do that. The guards were some ones father, husband, son, brother etc...Where was Afzal then before he thought of killing people in parliament. He never thought of his family. why he is thinking of it now. There are few cowards like Afzal's sympathisers who are scared of the cosiquences. But what consequences we are talking of? anyway. Leave the politicians...they have to maintain there positions..it is there obligations and there job's key responsible areas...they are born idiots...so the better they are off India's soil...better are our future.
Hanging Afzal is must...And please do it with full confidence and tell the terrorists that leave my country or else we will reduce you to ashes...
So Afzal's sympathisers have guts to face the bullets...it's my open challenge...

Divya Monday, October 9, 2006 9:48:13 PM
पत्रकार बंधु Monday, October 9, 2006 9:42:33 PM
brother great,I read your post and agreed that you have your heart at the right place.

gaytri n Monday, October 9, 2006 9:52:38 PM
this should have the post of the month.But Alas! this NDTV too is Secular and Liberal.Shame!

Ayub Sshariff,Mumbai Monday, October 9, 2006 10:00:09 PM
Let the man go he is innoncent.Kashmir should be resolved.Let PM do his work you guys.

trueindian Monday, October 9, 2006 10:09:46 PM
who will disagree mr.joshi.and if some body does ten should be hanged too.

bimals Monday, October 9, 2006 10:13:32 PM
the champions of human rights all who want clemency for Afzal, i have never heard them speak a word against terrorists. why? and Mr Ayub here is giving a judgement as if he knows more then the high court and the supreme court. afzal himself admitted his crime in press after he was arrested and then again in court although in court he said that he did not know what these guys were upto.
hanging him will hurt many supporters of terrorism( who do so out of religiose compulsion or for media glare)but not hanging him will not only make mockery of our judicial system but demotivate out security forces also- HE MUST BE HANGED

iyerrc Monday, October 9, 2006 10:16:47 PM
Kashmir should be resolved.I agree.But how.Why and by Whom.Ever since independence this country has paid dearly both in terms of money and lives lost.But who cares.Special status to Kashmir.No indian can buy land but a kashmiri in kashmir.How long u want to practice this kind of special status.Now Afzal.U want to give him a specail tratment Just because he is a Kashmiri.Is it what you want to tell the world.That We treat kashmiris different irrespective of what criminal acts they do

Chaya Pant Monday, October 9, 2006 10:17:37 PM
No arguments now.
Supreme court has sentenced him
Chaya Pant

Vande_matram Monday, October 9, 2006 10:17:50 PM
Patrakar bandhu,Divya evam Gayatri etc,
Bhaiya Tatha Didiyo, hamen toh dar lagta hai.ham thehre gaon ke anpadh jawan---aap ho shehar ke padhe likhe insaan---hamko toh bas poore desh mein ek hi sher nazar aata hai.woh hai ANIL Joshi bhaiya. Kisko hang karna hai. abhi kar dete hain. Jara muskra do ab. bahut tensin hai sabko.

Verrangum Horroum Monday, October 9, 2006 10:21:12 PM
All right do not hang him! Happy!
Marry Mufti's daughter or azad's or better still make him Prez.
Gret is our INDIA!

Roshan Monday, October 9, 2006 10:29:43 PM

Denis,Suece. Monday, October 9, 2006 10:41:25 PM
Save one Afzal (the terrorist0 today and be prepared for a hundered tomarrow.
Pity on you INDIANS.

gyan @ patna Monday, October 9, 2006 10:51:11 PM
Hang him and we biharis will contribute more take 90% of our leaders along they too are worst than terrorist.

Gauri Pradhan Monday, October 9, 2006 11:00:51 PM
No arguments that this is one among the most moving,yet so simple worded piece i have read after a long time.And if i had written would have written the same.
Execute the punishment given by Supreme Court.

jaiveer Monday, October 9, 2006 11:05:35 PM
Hang this dog.

B M Ghoshal Monday, October 9, 2006 11:25:36 PM
Simply honor the Supreme Court.Why do this Sonia and Manmohan hell bent on circumvinteing SC in each and every judgement,Fails me.
Honor the SC and hang him.
BM Ghoshal

Vande_matram Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:00:06 AM
josshi bhaiya,
kahe der karo tani. chalo ab hang karo na.nahin toh PRANWA aa javega. sunat ho na babua woh fir gavega----'HAM BOLEGA TOH BOLEGA KI BOLTA HAI'. KAhe nahin sasure ko jaldi hangwa kar divo. apan hi raaj hain, na bhaiya. magar maan gaye bhaiyya, kya mehfil jamaai hai. aapko khoob maza aa reha hai. election ke liye hai na.JAI HO

Vande_matram Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:28:44 AM
yeh sasure PALTICS bahut khraab wa nun. Saala hang hi nahin karte.kiya bhaiyya---aap bhi bus--ek dum ?----kya bole ham--uthao sali DAMBOOK----arre-----apni donali. nahin hai kya---bhijwayen kya. Chalo 'sherdil' uthao bandook,aur ---thayen---thayen. arre daro mat ham hai na aap ke pichhe. Jai HO Jotshi BABA--Jai

monster Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:08:52 AM
get serious man.it is a very very serious matter. but 'dehati' like you will not understand this.anyway what are u trying to say. are you supporting or you are saying something else. let serious people talk here. get off the blog with your sick thoughts.

aniljoshi Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:34:47 AM
VM,Dear your dialect may amuse many but lacks substance.It has always been easy to trivlise an issue of importance which has ramnification beyound youe comprehension.
Any way this place belongs to all and I am the last person to tell you what to do.So keep on.
Anil Joshi

Vande_matram Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:38:39 AM
Thanq MONSTER Bhaiyya,
Ka joshi bhaiyya agal ba nun.ghar bana rahe thaiye na.Han bhaiya ab toh woh bade leader ban gaye na. Aap unke chammche ho kiya. hamar dehati ki baat ab kahan samjhoge.suno munna, yeh khel ham se toh khelo mat. Ham bahut serious hain,magar hinduon ke lider nahin na. ban jayege, joshi ji tarah. ek mudda hi pakarna hai. jai ho--jaiho--vande matram

usman chisti Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:49:52 AM
I just do not understand why some politicians are hell bent to destry Muslims and defame them by siding with terrorist like afzal.These politicians are just trying to maliagn all Muslims as if Afzal is some sort of ideal for Muslims.
Allah Willing,these Politicians should shut their mouth and HANG THIS TERRORIST HE IS A BLACK SPOT ON INDIA.
Usman Chisti

Vande_matram Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:59:26 AM
Kahe gussa kar rahe bhai. Ham tuhar sport kar rahe wa aur aap hamen tevar dikha rahe ho. Kahe nahi sasure terrorist ko goli maarte. Uthao sali bandook aur chalao goli. mamla khatam. kahe latka rahe ho aur ghoom ghoom ke aa rahe ho. trivalise toh aap karte ho apni sui latka ke. chalavo na goli.lidder banna hai kya. band karo yeh ghoomna. jai ho--jaiho--vande matram

Gurbax Chatwal Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:10:31 AM
Surprising is too soft a word i should rather use SHOCKING to hear the arguments offered by AFZALS CROONIES.
May I ask how did terrorism in Punjab end? By offering roses to terrorists? No. It ended when they were matched Bullet For Bullet and they vanished in thin air.
Kashmir is festering wound only because it is Muslim majority place.Sihks and Hindus who are or were in minotity have been systemically ethenically cleansed.Name one single Secular Politician who talks about them.These SOB are busy defendin AFZAL THE TERRORIST.

Shruti dewan Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:26:17 AM
Enough of this Afzal is innoncemt nonsense.
When will we strat respecting our own SUPREME COURT? If any Muslim issue is involved these "thugs" of save Afzal variety comes out to open shouting and beating their hollow breasts.Be it Shah Bano or Afzal they try to highjack the Judicial verdict too.
These people should not be allowed to subvert the systems just because they have to please some "masters who are enemical to india".
Mr.President,please do not delay any further and pronunce your judgement keeping in view of the Nation.
We have no hope from present day politicians
Humbly Yours
Shruti dewan

Peace Tuesday, October 10, 2006 11:48:38 AM
Hang the Afzal.In our india, Hindus and Muslims are brothers and sisters.If the Afzal is not hanged, the fear will gone from the supporters of terrorist.

Harmony Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:02:11 PM
Congress and its allies have mastered this art of communalising each and every issue.Trust them for the slighteset excuse to make any important national issue and they will make it an Majority and Minority one.And just see the audaicity of theses Sonia Chamachas that they will shift the blame on RSS and VHP.

Same is with afzal he is a terrorist neither hindu nor muslim and should be treated as such.But no! These ganeriene of secularism is here too.Afzal is a muslim so no hanging,had this been a bajrangi theses people would have hanged not only him but all bajrangis.

It is high time this hypocracy and blantant communalism is exposed.I admire Usman Chisti for his courage.

Kulbir Valmiki Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:29:57 PM
Hi! i am from vadodra (baroda) Guj. and i hate some one who equates modi with afzal.is there any parrellel one is a core nationalist like AFZAL(do not believe me then ask Ghulam - never- Azad, or MUFTI - muft khor to the core) and Modi a true terrorist (ask teesta - congress or loooney left).Where is the comparision?
Mr. President please spare Afzal and hang us.
Because we dare say Vande Mataram,and one last request do spare the above vande_mataram clone he belongs to Afzal.

Satvinder Singh Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:39:23 PM
I will join you all Kulbir Valmiki Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:29:57 PM ,the best one i have read so far .
Canada born Indian of proud INDIANS.
Can't believe it is happenning!

Vande_matram Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:50:29 PM
Kahe naraaz ho rahe ho Valmiki bhaiyya. Ham to kehat rahe ki goli maaro Afzal ko. Hang karo abhi. yeh appeal kiya kar rahe ho. BHAIYYA, aap sab baaten bahut karte ho baaten karke hi pet bharteho. kiya yeh tain tain laga rakhi hai. Dum hai ki nahin bhai, ki sirf shor hi macchana hai. Yehi to hamar sabki kamjori hai.utho aur mard bano. Ro mat.

D.K.Agggarwal Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:01:45 PM
To Dear,
Kulbir Valmiki
Man Count me too and let all three You,Self and Anil joshi be hanged for being nationalist.Mr. President you need not worry about our families do take care of SONIA and her children,I can not even in my wildest dream think about you being with the sides of SONIA,but I do acknowledge and recognise you have to go by her advise/ill most often and pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee do not let this stoogie called PM to show his face.
DO SPARE AFZAL???????????????
(sonia mad-a-me do find out where it is on our MAP.)

grumpy Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:19:40 PM
This Afzal hanging took a Islamic turn when the Islapologist started objecting the day set for hanging..last friday in the holy month of Ramzan..

These guys speak through two orifices... one is mouth and the other, you know what.. On the one hand they claim that the terrorists have no religion.. they are out to defame Islam..what they do in unislamic.. but plan to hang them, their cover is blown..they talk about Muslim being hanged in the month of Friday...

Is Islam's other name hypocricy?

Jyotika Kukeraja Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:23:05 PM
Kullbir count me too.
Jyotika Kukeraja

rejeev Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:35:59 PM
I am surprised , those who were shouting at the time of kandhar episode have shut there mouth now.
And why respected President sahib taking so much time & still devoting his precious time .
We should think how mach time british took to decide to hang bhagat singh.If we can not hang Afzal who has attacked at our heart ,then all prisoners in our jail must be released, and Mushraf shoud be appointed as president of india.

ravi_ch Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:40:02 PM
No hang punishment for Afzal means No need of death punishment in I.P.C.
If mercy for him,just removing the death punishment is better.
Because he has done the ultimate harm to india.

Aarti Jain Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:53:30 PM
Non violence does not mean of supportin a terrorist in cowerdice..
Though a JAIN strongly believe that if attacked kill the attacker,NO MERCY
Pitam Pura

Mumbaikar Tuesday, October 10, 2006 2:00:14 PM
Hi Guys
Lot of blogs are floating here for Afzal`s mercy a clear indication (most people are for HANGING HIM)that we are united against Terror

Do he require this much attention who is he a terrorist and a terriost must be killed by hanging or by encounter

Anyway if he wants Clemency our Hion President is not the one who shud give -- Have u guys watch DOR .. a story of a Murder in some Muslim Country.
He need to get Clemency from the families of the people who are dead during the attack -- If they ALL approve do let him free HOPE ALL WILL AGREE TO THIS

Are all the supports of Afzal ( I will also call them supporter of Terrorism) Ok with it...

Raeja.Mohan Tuesday, October 10, 2006 2:03:28 PM

Folks please do not blame Mr.Prez. as he is bound by this gang of "SCOUNDERALS".

joney Tuesday, October 10, 2006 2:04:02 PM




prakash_gangappa Tuesday, October 10, 2006 2:25:14 PM
Remember Khandahar .....
hang him... he deserves.

nanak chand Tuesday, October 10, 2006 2:34:33 PM
Hang him and his cohorts.

Only Islamic people are saying word for mercy.

Denedra Gahlot Tuesday, October 10, 2006 2:47:30 PM
joney the Muslim advocating Afzal.
One modi has disturb your sleeps,guess 100 more or you will forget every thing.
Tell straight you AFZAL to be hanged or not and if not then WHY?

tojoeblr Tuesday, October 10, 2006 2:52:03 PM
Hang that guy but what about The Modi's What happened to Justice Krishna's report.. there should be justice done.. Gujrath Mumbai and Delhi.. Hang all of them...

lakshaman Handa Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:28:22 PM
Why so much fuss about a terrorist?SIMPLY HANG HIM and HIS COHORTS I agree with joshi.
These appologists will never demand hanging Afzal without dragging Modi in to it.Please tell me how is Modi connected with it?Were there no terrorists attacks before Modi came to power and do not forget Modi won elections and became CM.
HANG all these appologits for terror if they do not control themselves.

Pawan Bansal Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:35:35 PM
tojoeblr why you forget 1984 anti sikh riots demand scalp of Sonia tooo then,but then you will not do it because it is easy to accuse Modi.
Let us bring Modi to Centre.

raj Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:50:30 PM
Hang him.... At least for the sake of people who died in attack

Tilak Raj Tuesday, October 10, 2006 6:22:06 PM
Let us sign it as petetion and mail it the Prez.

raghu Tuesday, October 10, 2006 7:47:53 PM
simply hang him ,any doubt?

Roshan Thursday, October 12, 2006 12:47:12 PM

narain_thakur Thursday, October 12, 2006 12:55:24 PM
the political reactions would have been surely diff if some og the leaders would have died in the attack instead of poor sucurity people who got a veer chakra or some other chakra.most ministers have phd in making poor people fool by announcing one lac ex gratia payment to sufferers most of which must go in wrong hands, be it on train blast,attack on parliament,flood in mumbai,uphar cinema fire or meruth fire or malegaon,they the so called leaders speak trash eat trash behave trash are infact tottaly trash themselves

dharam agarwal Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:55:37 PM
Issue is edfinatelly not closed!Hang them.

Sudhindra72 Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:15:18 PM
Guys if there is so much revulsion against the decisions taken by our government, it is evident it is not working efficiently,

Looks to me, 90% of the non political citizens in India hate our government. This is why I urge you, "REVOLT AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT RATHER THAN JUST TALK,TALK, AND MORE TALK..."
Lets lay a coup and no I am not being over dramatic...Lets face it Indian governement is the only facet of Indian economy thats reeking! ouch very smelly!


randomman Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:02:12 PM
HiEvery one!
Been out for a long.This AFZAL issue has polluted the socio-political environments of INDIA.It is stinking with religious overtones to the extent that each religion is accusing other for TERRORISM. ISSUE is Simple. If he is convicted, he is a CRIMINAL. HANG him if so sentenced. Do not give DEFINITIONS. Enough. Now PLEASE FLUSH THE CHAIN. TOO MUCH STINK.

rinni_enjoy Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:51:01 PM
hey anil, u seem to b quite senti abt the issue...but v need to think about it practically... killing someone has never been a solution ever.if he is hanged,more so on a significant day for the muslims ,he will become a "martyr" and only going to incite some more violence ...

and whom are v trying to teach a lesson ,these "terrorists" ,the "jehadis" ...who believe in dying for their cause...??

let him LIVE AND REPENT all his life...in the jail...and surely,there will b no kandahar episode bcoz Guru is in no way a "big fry"...

Prudent Indian said...

Two More,

m.k.kushal Friday, October 13, 2006 7:43:06 PM
I am just wondering what the fuss is all about?
If SC has awarded death after due deliberations then who are theses Congress wala to interefere?
just hang him.

ponnaluri Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:47:56 PM
He should definitely be hanged and there should be live telecast also.

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