Justice At Last.
Priya Darshani Mattoo.
Although it has taken ten long years, yet as it comes today Justice has been done to the poor soul.
My sincere and hearty thanks to all those who supported and fought for justice.Mr.Matoo and the friends of Priya deserve kudos for their fighting spirit.
As yours truly had in earlier post strongly advocated for the capital punishment, I have all the reasons to feel personally satisfied and vindicated. I had been following up this case since the day Priya was murdered and I remember the day when this criminal got Scot-free since his father was a powerful policeman. I remember that I could not sleep the whole night and seethed in impotent rage.
Priya, though I never met her had become a family member of mine, after her death.
May her soul rest in peace.
But, it is just a battle won. The war is not over.
I like so many others want to see the other murderers hanged too who are still not held accountable for the sins they committed.
The Lalls and Kataras are still waiting for the justice.
Please remember that these three cases are important not just because the media is hyping them up.
Justice in these three cases are important because…
1.Accused are sons/kins of High and Mighty powers to be. They are the ones who think that they can get away with any thing since they have power, money and connections thus they are above law.
2.These cases assume more importance since they got nation wide attention. Hence it has become symbolic in nature. Any injustices will demoralize the victims-hereto unknown- who too has been languishing for justice away from media glaze.
3.Most important is that almost every body knows that they are the culprits and know why they have not been convicted so far.
The judgments in these cases will be landmark and set precedent and a strong message will be sent to all the power drunk arrogant criminals/future criminals that Indian Society will not spare them, if justice rendering agencies fail to do their duties.
I hope that the honorable Supreme Court will uphold the sentence and the sentence will be executed. I pray that our efforts for the Lalls and Kataras will too bear fruit in very near future.
I request all my friends “Please do not waste your emotions against the death sentence for these criminals”.
Anil Joshi
Priya Darshani Mattoo case: HANG THIS MURDERER.Only three days are left for Afzal?????
Priya Darshani Mattoo case: (In the light of High court Judgment on this day.)
“Justice is a machine that, when someone has given it a starting push, rolls on of itself”.
Galasworthy, Justice, II.
Just how true!
I admire the relentless efforts of her family,friends and media for bringing this culprit to book.
Only three days are left for AFZAL?????
Where are the Prime Minister and Super Prime Minister (Balidaan Devi), Madame Sonia Gandhi?
Why this deafening silence on the mercy plea of Afzal, The Terrorist?When will the justice be done?
If Ever!
Wait for the next post.
Do write if you want the assassins to be punished for what they did to an individual and to the nation, respectively.
Anil Joshi
Posted by Prudent Indian at 5:55 AM
Hang Afzal and his Cohorts too.
Hang Afzal and his Cohorts too.
Let me start by saying that I have no sympathies for Afzal or for any of his Cohorts. Any body who advocates Clemency for him and alike is committing a crime against my Motherland and in my eyes is as big a traitor as Afzal.
Afzal has committed a crime, which has no parallels in the History of Independent India. The attack on the Parliament was not any another attack on the India. This was an attack on the Nation; it’s people, its very idea of existence. Afzal deserves the punishment awarded and there for pleading on his behalf is tantamount to be his accomplice in crime. Afzal will be executed and done with, but what about his Cohorts? Afzal and those killed could not have planned the attack; certainly the magnitude and the scale required much more meticulous planning and resources. There must have been the active and tacit support from others too, and they are free! S.A.R Gillani is one such man, true he has been acquitted by the Supreme Court, but with a stinging observation against him. Millions like me still believe that he is guilty and the case should be reopened.
India has been a victim of terrorism for more than two decades and has suffered and lost many valuable lives and huge losses at the hands of these terrorists. Now, what makes the attack on the Parliament as the most diabolical, atrocious and heinous? The attack on the parliament is all the above and much more for two reasons…
1.It was not attack on the Individuals nor it was an attack on any building. It was an attack on the India. The very existence of the idea called India, its people, and unflinching faith of the Indians in the system called Democracy. We all the people of India know that there are many things which need to be corrected about the parliamentary system, yet democracy is the best and the only hope for the Billion Plus Nation. Attack on the Parliament was an attack on the billion plus people of India.
2.This attack brought the two Nuclear powers on the brink of war. This war could have been the most catastrophic for the innocent millions on both sides of the dividing line.
For these two reasons the Death Sentence awarded to Afzal is apporiate, if not less. And all efforts should be made to punish all those suspected to have any link, inspite of their acquittal on technical grounds.
No body in his right senses would argue for the Clemency for Afzal, yet we have many among us, and who these people are…
-Muftis, both father and daughter is in the forefront advocating for the DEVIL. Given their track record, I am not surprised at all. Do not forget that this great Mr.Mufti, ex CM J & K had released dreaded terrorist as ransom against Rubiya Saeed, his daughter, when he was the Union Home Minister in the V.P.Singh’s government. These worthies are dolling out the fictions that since the peace process is on with Pakistan, Afzals execution will send wrong signals.
Pray, tell me peace process with whom? Pakistan? The fountainhead of all the terrorism! And what are those wrong signals?
-Those in the fray to save Afzal form the Gallows is our Honorable Chief Minister of J and K, Shri Gulam Nabi Azad, his argument is since Oct.20th.happens to coincide with a sacred day according to Islam so his execution be commuted to life term.
What more is expected from these petty politicians who just cannot think beyond the next elections.
And as it always happen neither adorable PM nor the omniscient Sonia Madame has any guts to express their considered opinions. Vote bank is more precious to them than the honor and dignity of the Nation.
Why to blame political class alone. Equally responsible are the “secular brigade” and “liberals”. These are the people who provide the spacious ideological arguments supporting terrorism. Human rights activists get charged up as and when a Terrorist is apprehended and tried in any court of law. These are the people who will ask you to look for “root cause”, imageniary “alienation of minorities”,” poverty” and blah, blah…
These apologists for terror have no sense for crime and justice. The message should be loud and clear to all those who threaten India’s democracy and its essential freedom, that they will be annihilated.
Send Afzal to gallows. His departure will not be mourned. After Afzals departure go after his cohorts and hang them too.
Anil Joshi
Posted by Prudent Indian at 5:10 AM