
Not Alone

Not Alone.

Let me start by congratulating youth4equality for organizing such a successful rally at Ram lila Ground on 27th. I too, like so many other non-students who thronged the place, extend my heartiest support and wish you good luck.

I find it necessary to mention few things, which cannot be ignored by any one.

1.First and foremost is the support this movement has generated and received from various walks of our educated society. This is amply evident from the participation of middle class, who has been blamed by all about being self centered and isolated from issues concerning the masses. Therefore neglected by all political parties and treated by them as dispensable. Unlike political rallies organized by political parties, who do all they can to mobilize the people by dubious means like hiring buses, offering money or by simply providing them a chance to see Delhi? All those non-students present there, were there because………………………

They understand and believe that this issue is very important and concern of national importance.

They reached there because they know that remaining aloof will certainly spell doom for them, forever, in particular and the nation in general.

They know that if they do not wake up and be counted, then the coming generations will not forgive them forever.

2. Second thing, which I observed     is equally important and that is the commitment of people and their resolve to fight it out, once for all.

3.I personally do not agree with any one who disputes the support generated and often parroted by politicians as”MUTHI BHAR LOG” there. Simply because………………

  1. The people present there had come on their own. Unlike the crowd brought to the political rallies by their agents or small time politicians with the sole purpose to impress the boss and derive favors.  

  1. Second, as stated earlier the commitment of those present and their belief in the cause is more important and can only be disputed by, dime a dozen politicians at their own peril.

4.In the light of SC’s instruction to end the strike all that I can say is “AT TIMES WE HAVE TO RETREAT TO WIN”.

I strongly feel that even if Doctors call off the strike the momentum this agitation has gained, thus far, will not be lost. For the simple reason that like yours truly there are many many more who shall keep the movement going one way or other.


Prudent Indian

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Blame ManMohan for Reservations


I read all the comments posted on this page and I have come to this conclusion that all of you are very angry and feel cheated. YET, please try to analyze the situation coolly and then make a strategy to counter this move. There is no point in showing frustrations and despondency at this stage. As in my earlier post I tried to put a true picture about all this …still I feel obliged to make few points…
1.Arjun though is the villain of the piece yet why should we blind our reasoning accusing arjun alone? What is the role of PM? If this very PM could depute three ministers to placate MEDHA (professional agitator sitting on fast with dime a dozen professional agitators), goes to Kashmir to placate separatist and anti Indian HURRIYAT, what stops him to meet you guys and listen?

2.As it should have been clear to you by now that no political party is going to come forward publicly to support your cause, is it not prudent for you guys to solicit their support clandestinely with out revealing their names and associating them with you? I strongly feel that there are enough honest politicians who would certainly love to help you “conditionally, as mentioned above”. EXPLORE PLEASE.

3.You have come a long way now and there is no looking back now. A pause, little hesitation doubt and these political sharks will make a move so swiftly that it will all be over for good. SADLY FOR WORST.


Reservation Politics

Reservation, Politics and Arjun.
Reservation and politics go hand in hand both are dependent on each other and provide nourishment to other, and an ARJUN reaps the benefit in term of electoral gains. Why blame arjun alone all others are equally to be blamed for the sorry mess we Indians find ourselves in. How are other different and in any case what difference it makes who the person is? Arjun now or V.P. then? How different 2006 is from 1990? Answers to all these questions are, nothing really.V.P then had unleashed mandal1 in order to outwit Devi Lal and Arjun has done it to show ManMohan his place.It is a known fact that arjun never accepted him as his leader.He had not forgivien PV Narsimharao too (remember congress Tiwari).
Arjun as it stands for

Picture Courtesy CNNIBN web site.

In both the cases it was the merit and reason, which were sacrificed at the altar of politics. Politics in it self is neither a bad thing nor harmful for any one or for any country but how we practice politics is the main issue.

As earlier this all posturing is all and only about votes. As if this arjun’s plan were not devastating enough Meera Kumar too has thrown her hat in ring lest Arjun steel her slogan and right to be called OBC’s mentor. A new game of competitive pro reservation has started in congress. It is really amazing that all this is being done under the guise of constitution amendment. As pointed out by the two distinguished gentlemen who resigned from the Knowledge commission, this amendment is only an enabling provision and it was not at all necessary to implement, especially when there was no demand for it from anybody. Thus it amplifies the argument that it is 100% politics and 0%genuine concern for OBCs.

Since this genie is out of bottle now it is very difficult for any political party to denounce it publically, howsoever strong their views are against the reservations in private. This makes students and all right minded citizens agitation all the more relevant for the simple reason that this govt. in particular and all politicians in general are hell bent to stifle the merit, at the cost of nation, for their short time and immediate gains. As is evident from yet another example, the resignation of the two most respected, intelligent and worthy members of Knowledge Commission. As they were humiliated and our WORTHY PM kept his opinion under wraps as he always does on all the matter of serious concern to the nation.
To sum up…

The Prudent


To all my friends

All My Young Friends protesting against reservations.

I on the behalf of all the parents thank and congratulate the young men and women who participated in today’s massive rally against reservation in higher institutes of learning.

Many parents whose children are young and in school has been through all this and experienced agony and pain you people have been going through by first hand experience of Mandal 1990.Many among us are those who protested against Mandal then and therefore can understand the anguish of young men/women now. We are deeply concerned about the future of our young children who in another six to seven years from now on will be in your shoes. Thus it makes us all the more indebted to all those who are protesting against reservation.

I on the behalf of all those parents extend our unconditional and unqualified support to you all.

It is obligatory on our part to extend all type of support to you.

Many things have been said for or against this blatant move of Arjun Singh’s political move however it is to be defeated with our collective will and determination.
This great country belongs to us all, we are stakeholders and shall protect the future of our children with all our might by defeating the nefarious designs of all those decaying, rust minded, cynical, and old lame duck politicians who have no stake in the future India except power and money.

Expressing my “DAUGHTER’S GRATTITUDE” and wishing you all the best.

Your friend, always
Anil Joshi.
Also Visit oue web site:The Prudent Insurance & Financial Solutions


Indian Ideas welcome

Indian Ideas welcome your views on the subjects for open and frank discussions.
Issues are…
1.Political parties who call them secular are practicing secularism as a tool to garner Muslims votes. Do you agree?

2.Has reservation really benefited SC/ST?

3.Have reservations not become a carrot to dangle before the gullible and unsuspecting OBC’s?

4.Should we the parents not support those agitating against Arjun’s harebrained idea?

Post your replies.

Anil Joshi